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2011年11月30日 星期三

MLM Training – Knowledge is Power

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When it comes to building an MLM business, the old saying about Knowledge is Power is absolutely true. It's not enough though to simply gain the required knowledge. You must then utilize that knowledge by taking massive action. Building a successful network marketing business takes a lot of hard work but without first acquiring the knowledge and learning how to do things properly; many new distributors waste a lot of time and energy without getting any results.

It is absolutely essential that you take a few good MLM Training courses before venturing too deep into your network marketing business. A good knowledge base is a definite requirement for success in network marketing and a good MLM Training program can provide this foundation. As hard as it is to believe, it really is true that anyone can be successful in network marketing. All that is required is some basic knowledge, easily acquired through widely available MLM Training courses and some effort.

Many of the most successful people in any industry got to the top by staying focused on their goal and working really hard. They also were usually dedicated to improving their knowledge and skills. In order for you to have success, you must make this same commitment. You will be able to make a decent long term income by learning and applying the basics but if you are aiming to be a top income earner, you will need to be always expanding your knowledge, though MLM Training courses. And as always, you must apply what you have learned to your business.

Another important element that will ensure your long term success is your ability to train and mentor your new members. This might even be more important than your own education. It's obviously not practical for you to do everything for them, so you must get them working independently as quickly as possible. The sooner your new members are self-sufficient and generating some income, the more likely they are to stay involved in the business and contribute to your business growth. You can help them by either developing MLM training courses for your group or find a good MLM Training program for them.

Your business will benefit even further from your role in providing MLM Training and development as this will enhance your position as a leader. This will enable you to attract even more prospects and you will have a much easier time enrolling them when you are positioned as a leader and mentor to so many other members. As your new members learn the required skills and being building up their businesses, they will teach the same techniques to their new members. Or they will refer their new members to the same MLM Training they took. This training cycle will ensure that all new people entering your group will be able to develop quickly into productive members. Once people are able to start generating some income from their network marketing business, they will rarely quit or become disinterested. This high retention rate will ensure that your business continues to grow and prosper.


2011年11月29日 星期二

Different Network Marketing Business Opportunities

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In this article I want to talk about two different network marketing business opportunities you can join. As opposed to identifying specific companies I want to deal with how you approach finding network marketing business opportunities based on these two things.

1. Physical Products

2. Virtual Products

Many people are familiar with the Amway Corporation. Many companies have reinvented themselves and changed to online business models. I bring them up because they are one of the forerunners of multi marketing almost 50 years ago.

Their business is built around physical products that a person consumes on an ongoing basis. These are recognized as core products, with some companies growing them to billions of dollars worth a year. They are extremely well-organized and have manufacturing facilities in various countries around the world.

When it comes to building a network marketing business with physical products this is still one of the best oppor tunities. However you are limited in your ability to build a worldwide business because products must be shipped. Most network marketing business opportunities run into problems when it comes to shipping products and dealing with different currencies around the world.

Virtual products are things such as website hosting, membership sites, information products, domain names, social media such as video and audio, and so on. These products require no shipping and can be instantly accessed by anyone who has an Internet connection.

Currently there exists many affiliate marketing business opportunities dealing with virtual products online. These make a great business opportunity because you can build a worldwide business without ever shipping any products.

As more people come online looking for ways to make money virtual product network marketing business opportunities have become very appealing.

One constant that is necessary regardless whether you choose t o deal with a physical product or a virtual product is your ability to network with others. Even if you choose to do it as strictly as an Internet marketing business you still must sell products and enroll people into your business opportunity.

However you can automate many of the functions to do this such as prospecting, sorting, sponsoring, training, retailing, and so on. Therefore the most important thing is that you become attached to the product itself. This is the key thing to determining what type of network marketing business opportunity you want to join.

As you can see making money with these two different network marketing business opportunities is possible for anyone to do. It becomes a personal choice based on the company that you wish to join.


2011年11月28日 星期一

Why Do You Love Your Network Marketing Business Opportunity?

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I certainly am a person who believes there are many different ways to make Money on the Internet today. One of the most popular right now is starting a network marketing business. Whether you are looking at starting a business of your own, or are already involved in one, here is a neat little exercise you can do to sell yourself on the value of a network marketing business opportunity.

Take out a sheet of paper and write down everything you love about your network marketing business opportunity! If you are able to come up with a lengthy list you are probably in the right network marketing business for you.

However if you are struggling to come up with multiple reasons that you love being in your network marketing business, then you may need to consider switching companies.

Here are a few things that are probably going to be on every person's list.

1. The products are the best on the market! The key to longevity in network marketing is representing q uality products that provide value at an affordable price. If you are sold on the products you representing then you are in the right network marketing business.

2. The company is fantastic. Every network marketing business opportunity is only going to be as good as the company backing it up. You should feel comfortable the company has a solid reputation and will continue to be around in the future.

3. The marketing materials are of the highest quality. Today image is everything and you need quality marketing materials to sell and sponsor with. This should include an easy to navigate website, banners and graphics, videos, audio, email messages, blog articles, and so on.

4. The compensation plan is one that allows you to make money in multiple ways. This should include paying you well for personal sales.

It also should allow you to create a residual income on the efforts of the people in your downline. Ultimately most people stay involved in a network marketing business because of the money. Therefore the compensation plan should be as good as anything on the market today.

5. You enjoy networking with your upline and with your downline. Network marketing is a business built on networking and the people you're in business with are extremely important.

In conclusion hopefully this is five things you have on your list about why you love your network marketing business opportunity. You certainly can create a longer list and hopefully you will do so.


2011年11月27日 星期日

Your Network Marketing Business Opportunity Depends On This One Thing

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If you are looking to join a network marketing business opportunity or you have just invested in one then the very life and success of your business will depend on learning this one skill and this one skill alone. So many people fail within the industry and never achieve the financial freedom that leads to the time freedom they are so desperately craving. Read on to succeed.

The one skill that you need to master and learn, that's the good news you can indeed learn it, will ensure you are one of the three per cent who succeed with a network marketing business opportunity. It's a skill that is so obviously needed that it is mentioned in the actual title of the industry you are involved with or about to be involved with. Yet this skill is not possessed by many people when they come into the industry and they make no effort to learn the science behind the skill and effective ways of implementing it into their business.

What is the skill?

Marketing, pure and simple. If you become a master marketer you will succeed, no doubt about it, in fact you will be able to walk into any business opportunity and succeed right from the off. Learning marketing is the one thing that will allow you to have floods of people coming to you wanting to either purchase your product or join your opportunity, maybe even do both.

With your network marketing business opportunity if you master marketing you will never have to cold call and you will never have to annoy your friends and family to join you in your business.

If you take a close look at the training that is provided within most network marketing companies it extends to making a list of friends and family and pitching those people, or "puking" on those people would be a better description. Your friends and family don't want your opportunity; if they did they would be out actively looking for your business opportunity. If you carry on pitching or attempting to pitch to people who don't want what you offer you will start to encounter an awful lot of rejection.

To truly succeed with your network marketing business opportunity, become a student of marketing. Define your target market as tightly as possible, what is there exact profile? Look to study marketing techniques both online and offline and implement them into your business. Take a look at people who are doing well both online and offline and outside of your company, what are they doing to become successful, don't just take your company training as an absolute and the only way in which the business works.

If you make the effort to learn marketing and implement the skills into your business you will become the hunted and not the hunter as people will come to recognise who you are what it is you have to offer, in essence it is about positioning your brand so effectively that you no longer need to compete.

If you wish to learn how to market online in order to reach masses of people with your business message in short amounts of time and get into profit fast check out the link below.


2011年11月26日 星期六

Network Marketing Business Opportunities - Top 5 Myths They Never Told you

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Okay, you go to Google type in a key phrase related to network marketing business opportunities or something like a program you know or whatever. What pops up on screen? Most likely the very same writers are actually parading their very own programs related to network marketing themselves.

Plus, as a bonus I am going to reveal to you bits and pieces about the new rave that is going around town such as the internet network marketing revolution. This is going to blow you out of your mind.

If you are looking for review about some network marketing business opportunities, then you can search elsewhere.

If you are looking for a solid truth and unbiased review about this industry and all it's related topics, then read on. That is what I can offer you now with top 5 myths about network marketing business opportunities:

Top Myth #5: You Are Working On A Residual Income

Even in the new evolution of most network marketing business opportunities, you will be bombarded with various statements such as "do it once, get paid forever". Obviously, this is a very misleading statement and you should be cautious when someone declares that without proof.

The nightmare begins when you have sponsored someone and the greatest challenge is to be able to serve that person. 3 out of 4 network marketing business opportunities are functioning via monthly member fees to generate "residual income".
What happens then if that member you sponsored just decided to jump ship? Not a good sign for your income stream.

Top Myth #4: Your Automated Website And Blah, Blah, Blah

It's quite amusing really. Whenever you see some potential program out there giving you an automated website and system there is definitely something that's missing. It is the element of work. Not that I'm against working less and earning more.

The thing that really ticks me off is the promise that is fed to you about how a website and a system can be duplicated. Just remind yourself this, "A system can be duplicated, people can not". You still need to work the system.

Top Myth #3: You Do Not Need Experience To Start

This is one of my favourites. Here's the hard truth. Are you ready? 97% of all network marketing business opportunities feed on new recruits. While someone without experience can join in too. You usually need to learn how to expand your network (hence, the name network marketing) in order to grow your team.

The upper hand always belongs to the veterans because they know what to do and where to get people to join his team. I'll get back to you about this near the end for a solution. Stay with me.

Top Myth #2: Build Relationship, Not A Business

Okay, this one is partially true. While I build relationship with my subscribers the key is to think of your business like a business! Honestly, you'd be better off earning quick profits rather than feeding a bunch of adult babies whining about their lives.

Business is key to your financial well-being and your closest relationships should be spent with your family, not on counselling your team members. They joined the opportunity out of hope, not you. Be a business person.

Top Myth #1: Never Give Up, Motivate Yourself

Do you really think you can motivate yourself? The truth is, it is not easy. Especially when you look in the mirror and knowing that you cannot put food on the table later during lunch for your family. Or that nice vacation you've been dreaming about goes out the window.

Reality check, you do need some immediate cash to support yourself. Not drowning in financial debts while holding on to those hot network marketing business opportunities out there. Results are bottom line and you have to realize this.

In closing, let me drive home that while network marketing business opportunities are using the Internet now their compensation structure is still quite the same. You're better off making instant up front profits rather than waiting for your team volume to grow. After all, it is the reason why you are reading this, right? Think about it.


2011年11月25日 星期五

5 Things to Avoid When Joining a Network Marketing Business Opportunity

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So you are looking to get involved in a network marketing business opportunity but you want to make sure you find the best company and products for you. You know what you want, BUT do you know what to AVOID? Here are 5 things to steer clear of when joining an MLM business opportunity.

#1 The Fly By Night Company

In this industry (and really ANY industry) companies come and go. The last thing you want to do as a new network marketer, is invest your time and money into a company that is just a memory soon after you get started.

How do you avoid this?

Simply put You do your research BEFORE you get involved in any network marketing business opportunity.

Check out the companys financial history. How much revenue does it bring in a year? Has the company grown over the last few years? Have they done any lay-offs lately?

Companies that can prove their stability in their track record, make the best option for your network marketing business opportunity.

#2 The Hyped Up Sponsor
Your sponsor just might be the most important decision you make with regard to your network marketing business opportunity, so youll want to choose wisely.

With so much hype spread around in network marketing, you want to partner with a sponsor who runs his/her business based on honesty, integrity and free of hype.

Empty and hype filled promises, will do nothing to help you grow your business.

#3 The My Way Is The ONLY Way Upline

Network marketing is about duplication, but it is not about IMITATION.

You want to find an MLM business with an upline that encourages you to become an independent business person.

Someone who can show you the path they have taken, BUT also educate you on how to forage your own path to success.

# 4 The Magician Sponsor (Now You See Them Now You Dont)

So many Networkers have been in this si tuation. They join a network marketing business opportunity under someone who promises to guide them to success, only to never hear from them again after signing up.

And what happens to the newbie in this situation?

They wind up frustrated and in many cases quit the business with nothing to show for it.

This is something that can be avoided, if you take the time to carefully choose your MLM business and sponsor.

#5 The Leap of BLIND faith

Let me clarify. Im not saying that there is no place for faith in building a business. But when it comes to joining a network marketing business, you want your faith to have sight.

The last thing you want to do is fall for the first promise that is made to you, hoping that it works out.

Running a business takes faith in yourself, not blind faith in the promises of others.

Stay away from these five success killers and you will soon find your way to building a profitable network marketing business opportunity.


2011年11月24日 星期四

Best Home Business Opportunities for Stay at Home Moms

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If you are a stay at home mom, you may wonder what the best home business opportunities are that fit your situation. Are you worried that in-home child care is your only option? Rest assured, there are many different ways to earn a lucrative part-time or full-time income while still caring for your family's needs. These opportunities are the best way you can balance work and family so you can live the life you deserve.

Direct Sales

Direct sales are one of the top home based business opportunities for stay at home moms. In fact, direct sales have been around since the turn of the last century when it wasn't really proper for a woman to work outside the home. But a few enterprising women started working for direct sales companies while staying at home anyway and thus the lasting success of corporations like Mary Kay, Avon, and Tupperware was born.

Nowadays, there are hundreds of successful business opportunities available in direct sales, pitching products ranging from cosmetics to handbags to stationery. With the range of products available, there is sure to be something out there you will enjoy selling from home.
You can also make and sell your own products. If you have hobbies that revolve around crafting, you can actually turn your passion into a successful home business idea. Hobbies that work well in this instance include: baking, any of the needle arts, scrapbooking, photography, and jewelry making. You can sell items from your own website or on a storefront website like eBay or Etsy.

Network Marketing

Network marketing is another one of the successful home based business opportunities that have been around for decades. It's very similar to direct sales, in that you sell a product for another company. However, you are encouraged to recruit other salespeople to your home company, and you earn a commission on each of your recruits' sales.

Network marketing has gotten a bad reputation thanks to unsavory pyramid schemes which proliferated in the 1980s and early 1990s. But if you find a legitimate organization, it remains a great way to make money from home.

You can also use network marketing principles to promote your own company in the global marketplace. If you have products or services to sell, a network marketing system such as GPT (Get Paid Today) can help you compete against multinational corporations with just the click of a mouse. The principles can be easily adapted to any small business, regardless of size or what you sell. In fact, one enterprising entrepreneur used it to market the pet beds she made at home.

Turnkey Operations/Franchises

Another good option for the work from home mom is a turnkey operation, also known as a franchise. These are prepackaged businesses that you can purchase and then open as your own. Everything, from product development to marketing, has already been done for you, so you can literally just "turn the key" and start running the business. A popular and visible example of a franchise is a fast food restaurant chain, although you can also purchase Internet turnkey operations.

Franchises are beneficial because they have millions of dollars of market research, advertising plans, product development, and brand name recognition going for them. In a sense, they are a fail proof way to make a living. On the other hand, they do require a large investment up front and offer very little room for customization, so if you are of a creative personality you might find a franchise too restrictive.


2011年11月23日 星期三

Can You Use Article Marketing to Promote Your Home Business Network Marketing Company?

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When I first heard of article marketing it was around 6 or 7 months ago and now I have been able to write over 1,000. The reason I have written so many articles is simple, because it works. I would not put my time and energy into something that was not getting results.

One of the big reasons why you should start writing articles is simple; the Internet is a huge organism of information. People every single day are looking on how they could solve their problems and by writing an article you can help that happen. Whether someone is looking to learn how to recruit more people, learn personal development tips they can find all of that useful information through your article.

The best thing about an article is the resource box. The resource box is usually on the bottom of an article that contains your website where the reader can continue to see what you are all about. This is where your website traffic will begin to come from so this is why I believe you should write as soon as possible.

At first, writing an article may seem hard. You may not know what to write about since you are new to your industry but remember you are on the Internet. Browse on different websites and get different ideas because we all can say the same thing in different ways, as we have our own unique perspective on the matter.

No one can say something like you so use that to your advantage and start writing on your specific niche.

If someone just gets one good idea for an article there is a good chance they will continue on to your website to see how you can further help them.

The great thing about this strategy is that it is free and you can use it every single day, you just have to invest some time into it. Sure you can hire some people to write articles for you but I would not suggest that at first. I highly suggest you learn the skill yourself before you hand it off to someone else to do.

Do you want to learn more about how I run my network marketing business online? I have just completed a brand new marketing system.

You can see itFREEhere -

Omar Negron has been involved in network marketing since the ripe age of 18. He is the Co-Creator of The Work In Your Underwear System, which is expanding worldwide.


2011年11月22日 星期二

Grow Your Home Business Network Marketing Company - How to Get More Recruits Into Your Business

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Most network marketers do not know how to get one person to organization believe it or not. There are many aspects that can determine a person success in his company and industry but I strongly suggest and feel that one of the biggest reasons why people fail is because they are targeting the wrong audience.

Traditional network marketing companies teach us to go ahead and invite our family and friends to different events so they can come into the business.

Do you see what's wrong with this picture? I sure do. Most people that we know have no business knowledge at all. Nor do they even want to start a home business anyway. Then why are we continually trying to bring them into our opportunity to convince them that what we have is best to offer?

If you want to get more recruits you're going to have to take your business on the internet. The Internet marketing age is taking over us all and you will soon realize that network marketing will never be the same with it.

Now does this mean that off-line marketing never works? Well in my opinion off-line marketing did not work for me at all because I know all that I was doing was targeted a wrong audience. The Internet gives everyone the opportunity to target the right type of people and not have to worry about the face-to-face confrontation if someone doesn't like what we have to offer. It's not a big deal online and that's why it makes it so powerful.

If you want to get more recruits you're going to have to learn how to do some research and see exactly what your market wants.

For example, one of network marketers biggest target audiences would be other network marketers because network marketers leave from company to company. Whatever the case may be you have to know exactly what their thinking so you can position yourself and your offer right in front of them at the right time.

Will everyone join you? Of course not and it never works out that way! But if you continue to do this on a daily basis you will build your lead list out, get more prospects and eventually build more relationships with people that will get you more recruits into your company in a matter of time.

Do you want to learn more about how I run my network marketing business online? I have just completed a brand new marketing system.

You can see itFREEhere -

Omar Negron has been involved in network marketing since the ripe age of 18. He is the Co-Creator of The Work In Your Underwear System, which is expanding worldwide.


2011年11月21日 星期一

Home Business Network Marketing - is Success Achieveable?

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People are flocking to the home based business industry, trying to find reprieve from their corporate jobs. The Network Marketing or MLM industry is a great way to tap into the work from home arena and get started making money from home.

How To Start?

To begin, you need to choose a company to market. With thousands of available options to choose from, it may seem a bit cumbersome. You want to select a company with a solid reputation. The founders need to be people with integrity that represent the company well.

It is critically important to select a program with a one of a kind, consumable product. You want to promote a product that people need and that they will continue to need every month. This will create that steady stream of long term residual sales that everyone is looking for.

How To Market?
One of the biggest concerns with running any successful work from home business opportunity, MLM or not, is being able to generate leads. While traditional word of mouth marketing works great for network marketing, some people are uncomfortable approaching their friends and family.

The internet has provided an opportunity to market online and grow your business successfully without ever having to leave your home. The internet provides several free or low cost advertising options that will generate traffic to your website and therefore prospects.

How To Work From Home?

This is one of the biggest determining factors for people's success or failure from home. Most people have been conditioned to work underneath of a boss and are used to having someone else tell them what to do and when to do it. This is not the case when you work from home.

You have to have motivation, determination, and a never fail attitude. Success and failure are often not very far apart. A lot of people are just moments away from realizing success, but they give up before it can become a reality.

This is why there is a 97% failure rate for work from home business opportunities. People become distracted with family obligations, television, or just plain laziness and then give up.


In closing, it is entirely possible to work from home through network marketing and be successful at it. However, there are some key things that you need to do to make it a reality. You need to select the right company, learn how to create an effective marketing campaign online and offline, and never give up. The latter being the most important factor.


2011年11月20日 星期日

Advantages Of Home Business Network Marketing

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It is a fantastic and a fabulous concept to get a certain kind of folks who seem to happen to be unable for you to work away or outside their homes for you to find a work at Home Business Network Marketing. The main reason perhaps in what way you'd probably refer for you to work in the own convenience of your home is simply because of your family commitments or possibly health issues. It definitely a great boon for the persons who seem to keep in rural areas or individuals who seem to want toward save income on commuting costs.

Incase if ever own continually been an employee plus want to start your venture Home Business Network Marketing is items you possibly can to find. You'd probably grow to be entrepreneur simply by just doing a company from home. Along with this you are able to pursue you ambitions as efficiently acquire care your loved ones along with expend enough period along with you.

Here are usually a few few benefits in home business netw ork marketing. In this posting we will fid out a few of them.
The best benefit is it is possible to breathe a new air of freedom along with you are no more under the watchful eyes of your managers or your superiors exactly who keep you on a constant watch in the event you are usually working by the office. The second benefit is on the grounds that you work on any home then you might the boss here and you decide on just how a lot of you are usually running toward make paid. You give yourselves a paycheck. There is simply no cap what accordingly ever on your salaries. The next thing is you decide what timings you possess in order to work. Here can be simply no fixed timings that you choose and have for you to work on. After ever get instance you work. Also you wouldn't have towards worry regarding external aspects like recession, downsizing, company's stock value and even etc.

Now that we already recognize few with the inherent in home business network marketing, now may be the instance in order to recognize a number of o f starting a best practices for the flourishing home business network marketing.

The really very first thing is towards own assurance as well as belief on you. After you acquire up a home venture circumstance you have to be ready in order to produce the right kind of purchase prior to i'll be. One should not have back in acquiring the most popular technology needed for the kind of work in order to work from. Actually though it costs some extra refuse to hesitate as it's a one moment commitment plus it is possible to recover the costs inside a matter of couple of years.

Next is for you to become committed toward popularity. This will require you constantly seem advantageous along with concentration on popularity. Refuse to just seem currency minded. Obviously finances is essential however the main focus in your case in enterprise ought to be for you to create a brand price on your enterprise. Fine brand building would immediately result in currency pouri ng in once as well as after we appear popular. Thing have to perpetually become long term, when at all you call for towards sacrifice an odd money thus remain it.

And the last repeat that you choose and must forever think about is in order to keep on developing. Keep developing yourselves as well as enterprise through keeping up towards date using the newest technologies. In case at any time you desire in order to from education towards discover a little something new you should not hesitate it.


2011年11月19日 星期六

MLM, Home Business, Network Marketing – Why Your Performance Failed?

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Hello Im Karl Keller and I want to give you some nuggets today on MLM, Home Business, Network Marketing Why Your Performance Failed? In my efforts for taking leverage to main-street it is very important to gain the right perspective, training, and knowledge as these components will determine your performance value in whatever you aim to achieve. Without perceived value within that performance you cannot expect to attract positive results.

First off perspectiveFailing is a good thingWhat? You heard me right failing is a good thing because this means you are taking action. Without action nothing happens. Failing also teaches you what did not work adding to your knowledge. With each failure you gain a step closer to achieving your goal through better performance. Dont confuse failing with quitting. Quitting means you have decided to take no action, therefore nothing happens and you gain no further knowledge or increased quality in performance.

Second is trainin gthis is where another breakdown occurs. Let me use the example of Tiger Woods. In the golfing world no one compares in the level of continuous trainingam I right? Who wins more events and titles than Tiger, no one thats who? If you desire success in MLM, Home Business, or Network Marketing what makes you any different? Without the proper training you wont get the results simple as that. So ask yourselfdid I get the training? Did I accept the training? Did I apply the training? Chances are the answer is NO!

The last piece is knowledge. Knowledge comes from accepting the training, learning the skills & methods, acquiring the perspective and then applying them all together through action. With these bases covered your performance level will increase exponentially. Performance is what really matters in giving value and that is based on your training and knowledge. No secret herethis is how everyone gets better at anything.

Now you can fully understand why your performance failed, be honest with yourself, whether you were starting a home business or picking up the game of golf its all the same. All success in life stems from getting this dialed inif youre ready to get this kind of training and apply it to MLM, Home Business, or Network Marketing visit my website for more information and I look forward to assisting your efforts. This is Karl Keller taking leverage to main-street


2011年11月18日 星期五

Is Home Business Network Marketing for You?

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Hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands of people each day set out to find a way to better their lives and those of their families. Tired of unsuccessfully trying to climb the corporate ladder, or of feeling trapped in a dead-end job, more people than you can possibly imagine flock to the internet in search for a way out of their frustrations and into a lifestyle of freedom and abundance. For many of these seekers, a home business network marketing seems like the obvious choice. But, is it? What is the truth behind network marketing and what should you know before you get involved in such an enterprise?

What Does a Home Business in Network Marketing Entail?

In very simple terms, network marketing is promotion of products and services through a program which secures and trains individuals (marketers) to sell their products and recruit new representatives into their "network." The idea being that the more the person sells, or recruits people to do so, the higher the commission he/she receives for their efforts. To most, network marketing is just codename for multi-level marketing and even "pyramid schemes." Unfortunately, there is SOME truth to that perception. Most network marketing companies have in place a compensation plan which requires a "pyramid-like" structure, where the person at the very peak of the organization is the one who generates substantial income and opportunities. Those at the very base of the pyramid, are usually left there to wonder where their money went and what exactly went wrong.

Is Network Marketing Legal, Then?

The short answer to that is yes, network marketing IS a legitimate way to earn money from home. In fact, it is perhaps the home business alternative with the highest income potential in the entire world! This type of business can be so powerful and profitable, that Donald Trump and Robet Kiyosaki both said that if they had to build their wealth again, they would do it through network marketing (paraphrased from their book Why We Want You to Be Rich). The thing to remember, though, is that every network marketing company is different, and therefore choosing the RIGHT company will be the key outside factor that most influences the kind of results you achieve.

What Should I look for in a Network Marketing Company?

Aside from checking out the history of the company (how old is it, is it a debt-free organization, how many members, is it international in scope or limited to a certain geographical area), you also want to do a bit of research on the people behind the company (especially if the company is in Beta or Pre-launch stage). Make sure the masterminds behind the company have a consistent reputation of integrity and "stick-to-itness". Make sure they don't start a new company every other year, and that those they have been involved with in the past, if any, were solid and profitable.

The next consideration is, of course, the product or service. Will you be offering a product or service that is unique, or will you be in a highly competitive niche? Is the product sellable (are people actually searching for that kind of product)? Does it help solve a basic problem or preoccupation? Would you buy and use the product or service? Do you see long term potential for that which you will be selling?

Lastly, take a good look at the structure and compensation. Is it a direct sales company, or an mlm? Will you earn commissions on your first sale or will you have to leave a certain amount of your earnings down as a warranty for returns? Will you need to enroll in auto-shipping? Are there any additional monthly fees? How much commission do you stand to earn? Is there a matrix that must be completed before you receive your full commission?

How Do I Make Sense of All of This Information?

There is really no way around it! Finding a home business network marketing can be confusing and frustrating. It can even seem impossible. But, if I may be so bold as to offer a suggestion, I would advise you to look for a direct sales company. Look for a product or service which does not require you to manage inventory and which serves to solve a very real and easily identifiable problem (this will secure your market!).

Lastly, look for what I call "high-end" or "big-ticket" compensation plans. While these type of opportunities are more expensive to join (for obvious reasons), it is definitely worth the investment in yourself and your future if you are really serious about making this business work! These types of products will earn you commissions of over $1000, and can go as high as $10,000 or more commission on a single sale. This type of compensation plan is what will open the door to a truly substantial income from your home business in network marketing.

What's Next?

TAKE ACTION! Make the investment in your future! Do your due diligence, choose a company and stick to it. Don't jump from opportunity to opportunity. Keep your eyes on the price, pay the price up front by working hard your first year or so, then sit back and enjoy the rewards of a business that almost runs itself! Go out there and give it your all!


2011年11月17日 星期四

Home Business Network Marketing

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Network Marketing Opportunity as a Home Business :

With today's economic conditions Home Business Network Marketing is the best way to start. In this type of business many people join a multi-level or network marketing program as there is no other opportunity that can allow them to make sufficient income of Five to Six Figure per month. It's something with very little start up cost. There are plenty of network marketing opportunities around but one must be careful in making choice of the Companies to be away from SCAM Companies.

With the power of the Internet, there is a new trend where more and more people are joining different companies that cater for this market. They generate their leads and prospects from the Internet from the comfort of their own home with just a computer and Internet connection instead of the traditional method of earning a monthly income.
Home Business Network Marketing also known as MLM (Multi Level Marketing).If you wish to supplement your current income, spend more time at home with your children or begin a new career the multi level marketing industry has many opportunities to offer. Multi level marketing is a great route into the world of home business network marketing.

In Home Business Network Marketing, Selling products and recruiting new members is a goal, however, the type of Home Business Network Marketing you choose Depends on the amount of time you have available. A busy Mom and Dad have less time
as compared to the retired person for example.

One must select the Home Business Network Marketing meeting their own needs. Before joining any business, you need to know what business requires from you in terms of time and also study its compensation plan. One must be aware of the companies commission structure otherwise you will not make enough money to make the ventu re worthwhile.

Home Business Network Marketing is very prone to hype. Do not believe everything you hear or read and make sure your decisions are solely based on your research. Maintain a healthy level of skepticism but don't let your skepticism get in the way of good thing. You will hear lot of things about the Home Business Network Marketing and most of it will be negative. The fact remains that Home Business Network Marketing is a great business to get into as long as you are prepared and know what to expect. Thousands of people around the world have created very good incomes and totally changed their lives.


2011年11月16日 星期三

Home Business Network Marketing: Avoid These Top Money-Sucking Mistakes!

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Have you started a home business doing network marketing that you are trying to build, but you don't have a tremendously large budget with which to work? If this sounds like you, you are not alone. In fact, you are in the majority.

So you want to avoid wasting money (or spending money you don't need to spend) as you're working to build the business. When I say "wasting" money, I don't mean that you are spending money frivolously. I mean that without knowing some of the 'insider ins and outs' of online marketing, you can be misled into thinking you need to spend money on things certain things to build your business that you don't.

I call these "money-sucking mistakes." They are things that drain your bank account without doing anything to build your business. If you can avoid these mistakes, you can avoid the fate of so many home business owners in network marketing, i.e., that you go broke before your business can get off the ground.

So here are some money-sucking mistakes you want to avoid.

When it comes to home business network marketing, your strategy should be to not invest too much money into your business until you're making some money. I know this sounds either a bit silly or a bit confusing to many. If you're not investing into your business, how can you build it? Let me elaborate on this...

As your profits go up, you can invest more money into your home business and your network marketing business. Until then, start conservatively. It defeats the purpose of starting the business to put yourself into debt "building" your business.

So let's go through some of these money-sucking mistakes...

Money-Sucking Mistake #1: First, and this is a BIG money-sucking mistake, do not think you need to buy ANYTHING from your company in order to build a home business in network marketing.

Your upline or your company may assure you that you need to buy t-shirts, business cards, DVDs, brochures, flip charts, product samples, and on and on. Your upline or your company may assure you that you need to buy all sorts and amounts of training materials or that you need to attend training seminars.

These are money-suckers! And you don't need them (I'll tell you why in a minute).

By the time you've bought all of this stuff -- if indeed you even have the extra available resources to be able to buy all of this -- you won't be able to even think about how much profit you're going to make in your home business network marketing business because you will have to worry about whether you can earn enough to repay yourself for all the money you spent trying to get the business started.

Money-Sucking Mistake #2: Another top money-sucking mistake is to think you need to buy your leads (and your traffic) when you're first building your home business / network marketing business. Many people, in fact, will be told by their companies or their uplines that they need to buy leads in order to build their business. Once you've bought all of the company "stuff" you are told to buy, you might then be told that you need to buy leads in order to get quality prospects.

Let me first differentiate between paid TRAFFIC and paid leads. When I'm speaking of buying leads for your home business / network marketing business, I am speaking about buying lead lists.

When you are trying to build a home based business in network marketing, buying lead lists is a big mistake . . . and a big money-sucking mistake at that. Paid leads, even if money were no object, are things you never want to use. Those leads typically cost $5 - $20 per lead, and they are an absolute WASTE of money! A true money-sucker...

Not only that, but these are not always the "quality" of lead they purport to be. Many times you are getting a prospect who was heavily incentivized and they were promised a $25 gift card at Home Depot or something just for filling out there information in the form.

Money-Sucking Mistake #3: The last top money-sucking mistake is to delve into the world of paid traffic until you really understand how it works. There are plenty of great free sources of traffic that you should start with in a home business (especially in network marketing). Do some article marketing, some blogging, video marketing, or maybe some press releases. Get some traffic and some income momentum before you delve into paid traffic.

While you're doing that, take the time to learn how PPC and other paid traffic sources work. Delving into the PPC waters without understanding it can be one of the biggest, and most unnecessary, money-suckers a home business in network marketing can experience. You can bleed THOUSANDS of dollars before you can blink. Once you have some profits you can use to invest in paid traffic, start slow and reinvest as you build.

voiding all of these money-sucking traps will help your home business in network marketing to stay alive and to flourish in the long-term.

Discover What Your Upline Has Known And Has Been Doing All Along. Learn the 7 Top Secret Strategies They Used To Build Their Huge Downlines And Huge Incomes! Grab My FREE REPORT Titled: "How To Create YOUR First 6-Figure Month In Network Marketing" by visiting


2011年11月14日 星期一

Internet Online Marketing Advertising Business: Online Branding And Social Media Strategies For Your Success!

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Online branding and social media strategies are for some people that are starting to engage in the network marketing industry foreign words. Their upline teaches and duplicates a proven path to success in which they are advised to utilise their current circle group of influences, such as family and friends, to drive revenue and volume through their business.

Anyhow, even though I belief this approach to be a must-do for varies of reasons, newbies feel often limited in the way they approach business, due to a lack of knowledge and expertise about their own possibilities, in a world full of abundance.

Once the hot and warm market has been exhausted many people face the reality and might even run quickly out of contacts. This is where I suggest introducing the strategies I will be sharing with you today.

In order to really thrive in your primary network marketing opportunity you want to develop skills and a set of knowledge in areas such as, i nternet online marketing, advertising and business in general, which we will dive into right now.

The first step towards utilising the online market as a medium to drive revenue in your MLM business is to build a community consisting out of unique individuals, interested in your knowledge and expertise, which you can bring to the market. You want to create a following by building a long lasting relationship that is being built on trust. You want to create value and really come from a point of contribution to make a difference in people's lives.

But how do we do that? Well, you want to become a leader in your internet online marketing advertising business! And just to answer any objections at this point..., you are a leader once you decide to be a leader, and NOT once you became successful! A leader is a person that walks the path of life in an inspiring way and with the mission to change people's lives in the go. That attitude will attract people from a ll walks of life to you with which you will accomplish the above objectives.
The next step in creating a lucrative income stream in your network marketing business is by providing information that you can introduce to the world. It is called a USP or unique selling proposition. The USP should differentiate you from people that are positioned in the same industry. Ask yourself what you can put forward to the table that you are passionate about and will benefit people that are might struggling in the network marketing industry.

Now, I will be introducing strategies which are based on different online marketing platforms, with which you will be able to create multiple sources of income streams and really take your business to the next level. This process is really about capturing the lead, nourishing the relationship, to then add them to your contact list, which ultimately will result in new sponsored distributors and revenue created by your products and services. As you see this approach differentiates totally from the traditional think ing of promoting your primary business or products in the beginning.

Having introduced the basics of online branding and social media strategies I now want to get into specific strategies that have allowed me to generate major revenue and leads moving through my business on autopilot daily.

1# Strategy - Twitter Marketing
Twitter Marketing is bar none one of the most powerful strategies available today. It is great for building instant relationships and to building a strong community database. Twitter is not intimidating as it only introduces 140 letters as messages that are allowed to be transmitted. Now in order to build relationships there are powerful tools available that will allow you to really drive revenue.

One caution at this point, Twitter is a great platform to make the first contact to a person. The objective is to push that person rather soon forward, to either visit your blog or Facebook page, as you will b e able to really build trustworthy relationships and might even already capture that lead into your list.

2# Strategy - Facebook Marketing
Facebook is a great tool to nourish the relationship you have created through Twitter. You will be able to connect to a person more in-depth, which is essential in building strong and long-lasting followings. Again, there are tips and tricks that you want to know about when utilising Facebook as your online media strategy to generate sales.

3# Strategy - YouTube Marketing
Youtube is truly powerful when considering the emotional impact a video can have. Recording a video ultimately build relationships, by educating them about certain topics. Remember, that the best marketing is more educational then most people think! I also suggest distributing your recorded videos through TubeMogul, which uploads your video to multiple sources in no time. This will truly boost your exposur e and impact your video will have.

4# Strategy - SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)
How would you like to capture people that type in a specific key word at Google, 24/7? By linking keywords to your video posts, twitter messages or Facebook notes, you will be able to position your medium; so that it will rank the Google searches and ultimately create leads on autopilot.

CAUTION: I recommend to really choosing only ONE strategy in the area of internet online marketing advertising business, and really master it, as otherwise you run the risk in spreading yourself to thin! These FOUR strategies are quick introductions about what is possible if you know how.

If You Want To Know How Seb Was Able To Generate A 5 Figure Monthly Income By Utilising The Above Strategies, Visit Seb's Blog at The Networkers World


2011年11月13日 星期日

Recommendations for Network Marketing Success

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Ok, so you would like to attain network marketing success. The reality of the matter is that a lot persons participate network marketing companies attempting to build the lifestyle of their dreams. But the adverse certainty is that a good number of them in no way see the kind of achievement in their mlm companies that they had intended for.

If you really aspire to achieve network marketing success, then you ought to
Pay attention to these recommendations

1. Network marketing success is found off of your capability to persuade other persons to not only participate your downline, but also duplicate your hard work. In other terms, you don't need persons who are just ready to try on monthly auto-ship; you need persons who are intrigued in recruiting people and starting a business. Save your friends and family are currently sold on the concept of network marketing, then I would keep away from them. Furthermore, the persons who are nearby to you are us ually the most pessimistic and you don't want that whilst you're just beginning in your pursuit to start your recent home business.

2. Since you're not planning to go to your family and friends to participate your downline, you'll want to have an extra path to discover eager mlm business builders. My proposition is that you begin using the internet to propagate leads for your mlm business. But here's the secret, you dont need to just utilize the online tools that your mlm company gives you. If you seriously wish for network marketing success, you should begin branding yourself as the authority. This method having your own web-page that picks up the name and email address of every recent prospect. Appreciating how network marketing operates will be the distinction concerning you reaching all of your desires, or you just turn out to be one more individual who loses money in this business
3. Network marketing is only beneficial if you DON'T center on promoting your opportunity. Mainly persons who log on the internet looking for mlm success make the faux pas of developing a squeeze page that attempts to "sell" patrons on how wonderful their company is. As an alternative, you should center on giving persons general recommendations on how to attain network marketing success and how to start their downline. By directing traffic to a plain network squeeze page that gives recommendations that will help persons no concern what business they're in; you'll be starting a listing of persons who are currently sold on the notion of mlm. By hosting your own file of these "network marketing success seekers" you at this instant maintain the faculty to build a affiliation with those people and have THEM look at YOU as the "expert". These persons will end up being your top patrons in the close at hand future. If you've by no means built an internet mlm squeeze page previo usly, then I recommend using a tool like HomeBizlistbuilder(dot)com.

4. After you've begun building your directory of network marketing success seekers, you'll mean to keep in mind that working with them to participate your mlm company is merely ONE way to generate money off of those people. This is the REAL strategy to how the great name gurus produce money hand over fist. Think on the subject of it this way; if you utilize your network marketing website to start a list of 100 network marketing success seekers, then only 2 or 3 of those people will more than likely be attracted in truly joining your actual opportunity. Typically be persons are more intrigued in starting their own mlm downlines, and you can assist those people do this by advertising them other online tools that give out them recommendations on how to do this. The other help to hosting your own list of Mlm entrepreneurs is that even if your mlm company goes bankrupt, you still retain your list and you forever discover a plan to monetize that list (assuming you have a nice correlation with those people).

The actuality of the circumstances is that this "new school" way of starting your mlm small business is far more valuable and lucrative than doing typical things (like cold calling or pestering friends and family). If you seriously aspire to start your mlm downline rapidly and begin considering real network marketing success in the mlm game; then I HIGHLY suggest that you abide by the 4 valuable points that I've exactly laid out
for you.


2011年11月12日 星期六

Lessons In Network Marketing Success

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Ok, so you aspire to accomplish network marketing success. The honesty of the matter is that a lot of folks participate network marketing companies attempting to build the lifestyle of their dreams. But the adverse actuality is that the majority of them in no way see the kind of accomplishment in their mlm companies that they had intended for.

If you honestly desire to achieve network marketing success, then you should
pay attention to the pursue lessons

1. Network marketing success is found off of your skill to urge other folks to not only participate your downline, but also duplicate your hard work. In other terms, you don't mean folks who are just ready to try on monthly auto-ship; you would like folks who are attracted in recruiting people and starting a business. Save your friends and family are currently sold on the thought of network marketing, then I would keep away from them.
Moreover, the folks who are nearby to you are usually the most unhelpful and you don't want that whilst you're just beginning in your pursuit to begin your recent home business

2. Since you're not planning to go to your family and friends to participate your downline, you'll want to have an additional path to locate eager mlm business builders. My idea is that you begin using the internet to develop leads for your mlm business. But here's the gist of it, you dont need to just draw on the online tools that your mlm company gives you. If you seriously plan network marketing success, you should begin branding yourself as the guru. This process having your own web-page that picks up the name and email address of every recent prospect. Appreciating how network marketing operates will be the distinction connecting you reaching all of your desires, or you just develop into another individual who loses money in this business
3. Network marketing is only beneficial if you DON'T zero in on promoting your opportunity. Generally folks who log on the internet looking for mlm success make the gaffe of designing a squeeze page that attempts to "sell" patrons on how terrific their company is. As an alternative, you should zero in on giving folks general lessons on how to accomplish network marketing success and how to begin their downline. By directing traffic to a regular network squeeze page that gives lessons that will help folks no concern what business they're in; you'll be starting a catalog of folks who are currently sold on the objective of mlm. By hosting your own folder of these "network marketing success seekers" you currently own the capability to build a rapport with those people and have THEM look at YOU as the "expert". These folks will finish up being your greatest patrons in the approaching future. If you've by no means built an internet mlm squeeze page previously, then I advocate using a tool like HomeBizlistbuilder(dot)com.

4. After you've begun building your catalog of network marketing success seekers, you'll mean to keep in mind that working with them to participate your mlm company is simply ONE way to produce money off of those people. This is the REAL strategy to how the important name gurus earn money hand over fist. Think in relation to it this way; if you operate your network marketing website to start a list of 100 network marketing success seekers, then only 2 or 3 of those people will more than likely be attracted in really joining your actual opportunity. More often than not be folks are more attracted in starting their own mlm downlines, and you can aid those people do this by advertising them other online tools that hand them lessons on how to do this. The other benefit to hosting your own list of Mlm entrepreneurs is that even if your mlm company goes broke, you still maintain your list and you continuously obtain a plan to monetize that list (assuming you have a helpful rapport with those people).

The certainty of the circumstances is that this "new school" way of starting your mlm company is far more successful and lucrative than doing typical things (like cold calling or pestering friends and family). If you seriously plan to begin your mlm downline rapidly and begin considering real network marketing success in the mlm game; then I HIGHLY endorse that you understand the 4 central points that I've simply laid out for you.


2011年11月11日 星期五

Network Marketing Success Is Possible

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Ok, so you intend to reach network marketing success. The fact of the matter is that a lot of individuals participate network marketing companies attempting to build the lifestyle of their dreams. But the adverse realism is that a large amount of them in no way see the kind of triumph in their mlm companies that they had intended for.

If you really aspire to achieve network marketing success, then you have got to pay attention to the pursue suggestions

1. Network marketing success is found off of your power to persuade other individuals to not only participate your downline, but also duplicate your hard work. In other terms, you don't intend individuals who are just ready to try on monthly auto-ship; you intend individuals who are involved in recruiting people and starting a business. Save your friends and family are currently sold on the notion of network marketing, then I would keep away from them. Anyway, the individuals who are nearby to you are u sually the most pessimistic and you don't want that whilst you're just beginning in your pursuit to
develop your recent home business.

2. Since you're not planning to go to your family and friends to participate your downline, you'll want to have an extra path to discover eager mlm business builders. My proposition is that you begin using the internet to create leads for your mlm business. But here's the big part of it, you dont need to just make use of the online tools that your mlm company gives you. If you seriously wish for network marketing success, you should begin branding yourself as the professional. This way having your own web-page that picks up the name and email address of every recent prospect. Appreciating how network marketing operates will be the distinction relating you reaching all of your desires, or you just turn into an additional individual who loses money in this business.
3. Network marketing is only beneficial if you DON'T center on promoting your opportunity. Many individuals who log on the internet looking for mlm success make the faux pas of developing a squeeze page that attempts to "sell" patrons on how grand their company is. As an alternative, you should center on giving individuals general suggestions on how to reach network marketing success and how to develop their downline. By directing traffic to a minimal network squeeze page that gives suggestions that will help individuals no concern what business they're in; you'll be starting a group of individuals who are currently sold on the notion of mlm. By hosting your own catalog of these "network marketing success seekers" you at this moment maintain the capacity to build a affiliation with those people and have THEM look at YOU as the "expert". These individuals will result up being your finest patrons in the nearby future. If you've by no means built an internet mlm squeeze pa ge previously, then I recommend using a tool like HomeBizlistbuilder(dot)com.

4. After you've begun building your group of network marketing success seekers, you'll mean to keep in mind that Working with them to participate your mlm company is just ONE way to earn money off of those people. This is the REAL strategy to how the massive name gurus produce money hand over fist. Think with reference to it this way; if you manage your network marketing website to start a list of 100 network marketing success seekers, then only 2 or 3 of those people will more than likely be attracted in essentially joining your actual opportunity. Generally be individuals are more involved in starting their own mlm downlines, and you can advise those people do this by advertising them other online tools that give out them suggestions on how to do this. The other plus to hosting your own list of Mlm entrepreneurs is that even if your mlm company goes
away, you still possess your li st and you forever discover a plan to monetize that list (assuming you have a trustworthy correlation with those people)

The actuality of the circumstances is that this "new school" way of starting your mlm small business is far more useful and lucrative than doing typical things (like cold calling or pestering friends and family). If you seriously aspire to develop your mlm downline rapidly and begin considering real network marketing success in the mlm game; then I HIGHLY suggest that you adhere to the 4 valuable points that I've exactly laid out
for you.


2011年11月10日 星期四

"7 Network Marketing Strategies For Consistent Network Marketing Success!"

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Getting right down to it, these 7 Network marketing strategies will only increase your chances of success if you actually put them into play. MLM as it also known is first and foremost a business. It is also a job and you better be prepared to work it as such. Bottom line is you are going to, have to work at it.

Lets start of by breaking down the individual components of "network marketing strategies" using my definitions of each word to make that point.

First: Let's break down network into two words. Net, meaning; what are you going to add to your bottom line, as in "net" pay (why we all do this business). Work; meaning taking action, both physical, and mental energy being applied toward reaching your goals.

Next: Marketing; getting the word out there about your network marketing opportunity.

Strategies: Specific, calculated gambits or moves that are formulated with some mathematically determined certainty to be able to reach pre-determined objectives or a purpose.

Now reading these network marketing strategies by definition backwards it reads like this "Strategies: Planning a systematic way of Marketing our Opportunity to the proper prospects, by Working smart with our time, consistently every day to Net the kind of money and success that we hear about and dream about.

Strategy Number One: Invest in your plan; share your network marketing leads with the prospects who join you. Don't re-invent the wheel. Use automated systems for recruiting, training, follow up, marketing and build your list. Help your team build their list as well. Use auto responders, capture pages and webinars for online training to get everyone up to speed. Record and archive your sessions so that they are available for review.

Strategy Number Two: Educate yourself, and then educate your growing team. Invest in all of the network marketing success books, videos, work shops, boot camps and training that you can find. Find a successful leader who has what you want and copy them. If they can do it so can you (and so can your team).

Strategy Number Three: One way that you must market your network marketing opportunity is launching an article campaign and getting your articles published on a regular basis. Places like ezine articles, go articles, article dashboard and others are foundation for your web presence. (see one and two above) Again duplication means getting your team on board with you. People want to join leaders so set the direction and stay the course.

Strategy Number Four: Focus on recruiting. Make the offer for your MLM business so irresistible and enticing that everyone wants to join you. Deal from a position of strength. Offering an irresistible platform of using automated systems to generate your network marketing leads puts you in the forefront when it comes to building your network marketing success. Because your team is being developed thru these systems, they too will adapt the same strategies for their network marketing success (duplication). Always remember to recruit up and teach your team to do the same. Raise the level of quality, of your network marketing leads to include professionals in all areas of expertise and everyone's MLM business and incomes are going to explode.

Strategy Number Five: Plan your time and stick to the plan. Nobody has free time so you have to understand that the time you are using to build your network marketing business is going to sacrifice time away from doing something else. There is a price to pay for every ones time. Prioritizing where and how every one invests their time will go along way to realizing network marketing success. Keep your God and family first, and then move your MLM business up on the list.

Strategy Number Six: Be here in your business two years from now. Keep with your plan. Allow for adjustments as you navigate your course. Network marketing is a simple business but it is not necessarily an easy business. Put your MLM business opportunity in front of two new network marketing leads every single day and watch what happens. It is not going to happen today, and it is not going to happen by tomorrow either, but if you are applying consistent , simple, everyday actions, (like two new contacts a day) in two years you and your team will be right where you always wanted to be.

Strategy Number Seven: Upgrade your circle of influence. We are all a product of our environment. We ourselves are an average of the five closest connections in our circle of influence. If you want to significantly increase your income you are going to have to significantly raise the bar when it comes to who you hang out and associate with. If you want to be a multi millionaire, then you are going to have to associate with other multi millionaires and do as they do.

These seven network marketing strategies are only the start to a long and prosperous career with your MLM business. With all of the automation available today to generate and endless supply of network marketing leads, there is no reason why you can't have multiple streams of income coming in. Don't let the nay Sayers lead you astray. With the power of the internet anything can be possible if you work this business the right way.

Good luck with your network marketing success, I hope that you are here 2,3 even 5 years from now and well over the T O P (Total Ongoing Prosperity)


2011年11月9日 星期三

"The Science Of Leveraging Risk For Your Network Marketing Success"

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Nature can be a good teacher for any entrepreneur, especially if you are in the network marketing business. One of the lessons nature teaches us, is about taking a risk. In order for the monkey's to be able to get the fruit, evolution programmed them to have to go out on a limb.

Things are not much different in our network marketing business. In our case however there is a difference in just going out on a limb and taking an educated and calculated risk. Risk is the variable that separates the strong from the weak. If you want to step up and be noticed, if you want to take the path to network marketing success and away from mediocrity, you have to take risks.

Several of today's top money earners in our network marketing business had to "go out on a limb" and take a risk when the old way of network marketing training was no longer working. They chose to take a different path and risk losing mediocrity to achieve new success.

Of course they were told it would not work. They were told that they can't use the internet to develop automated systems to bring highly qualified network marketing leads to you. You can't do presentations on CD's and videos and make them do the work for you. You can't recruit using emails, auto responders and turbo dialers. They were told that they have to continue to make their list and hound and harass all of their friends. But by taking clever and calculated risks they prevailed.

The top MLM leaders today are and were the ones who were willing to take calculated risks. These are the front runners that by going out on a limb, learned to harness the power of the internet, and they can teach you how to do the same. Their way is how you need to invest your future for your network marketing business.

When we were young and full of vigor it was common to take a chance and swing for the fences. In our earlier network marketing business it was pretty common to say "what the heck" I'll go out on a limb and go for it. Then, we did not have the internet to be able to hedge our bets or leverage our risk through research. Today we do have the internet to guide us with our decisions (through research) and in this economy we need to make money more than ever.

There are some great new network marketing companies out there who did their research and went out on a limb to create some state of the art systems, state of the art products and services. If you are searching for the path to network marketing success and not wanting to settle for mediocrity, then you are going to have to find one of these outstanding companies who took a risk and dared to be different. A company dedicated to your network marketing success by providing all of the network marketing training and tools for you to prosper. What risk is there in settling for just "another me too product?" Another juice, another weight loss pill or shake, another energy product, another lotion, potion or cream? Better yet what is your reward? Boring!

Think about what Larry Page and Sergey Brin did with google. They were willing to go out on a limb and take huge risks when they had no money. Now that they have all this money they do not have to take risks anymore. That is called leverage. They were smart and were very calculating in their risk, it paid off for them and it can pay off for you if you pay attention.

In your network marketing business you need to asses the risks just like google, Warren Buffett, Steve Jobs, Microsoft etc. do their risk assessment. You need to at least know a little something about what it is that you are getting into. Usually when the risk bug reaches up and bites you it is because you are in unfamiliar territory and don't even know what questions to ask. If you don't know anything about what it is that you are going to be marketing, you won't know where the trap doors are that can take you to sudden and sure failure. You won't even know if you are, or are not getting the proper network marketing training for your opportunity.

Network marketing opportunity is about eliminating risk or at least most of it. Take a lesson from Sir Richard Branson,(of Virgin fame) one of the most brash and ardent risk takers of our time. Branson of course in his ascension to multi-billionaire status had some the most colossal busts of all time. But he did it with calculating precision. The first thing in taking risk in business is "Always protect against the worst inevitability." Don't make being wrong have you end up living in a car. Never risk your main business for the sake of a new venture. In other words each business should be it's own business.

In your network marketing success it is common place today to have multiple streams of income pouring in. But you should never go out on a limb and put each of your streams at risk with the other. If one fails they all fail. Each one of your streams of income has to have its own blood flow to survive quirks or trends in the industry or economy.

If you are willing to go out on a limb, go out on a limb that has already been traveled on. Taking a risk doesn't mean re-inventing the wheel. Taking a risk simply means having the courage (and leverage) to stare down mediocrity and dare to be great with your network marketing success.

Taking a calculated risk by venturing out into the world of multiple streams of income requires specific network marketing training. Empowering you and your team with automation can have you reaping in huge rewards in record time. It always has and always will entail a lot of work. But soon you will have your network marketing training, recruiting, and future stream lined for success. Where I hope to meet you soon, at the T O P (Total Ongoing Prosperity)


2011年11月8日 星期二

Where Can I Make Money On The Internet-Try 1 Of These 8 Ways

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Trying to figure out where to make money on the Internet is a problem for most people. In this article I will give you 8 ideas on where you can make money on the Internet so you can decide which is best for you.

1. Start with affiliate marketing. Affiliate programs are free to join and there are people making money all over the world. You can use the affiliate website or implement other strategies to more effectively sell your affiliate products to make money.

2. Start an MLM business. Try to find one that offers products that are mostly Internet based. This is a good way to build a worldwide business faster. If you enjoy social networking finding prospects is easier to do in programs such as Twitter and Facebook.

3. Start your own blog. You can set this up for free using blogging platforms such as WordPress and Blogger.

You can also add Google Adsense and other affiliate products to your blog very easily. Blogging can be fun if you start a blog writing about things that interest you.

4. Do email marketing. Build a mailing list in a targeted niche and sell affiliate products to it. As your list grows so will your income. This is a hands off way to make money in the future once you have a large list of purchasing customers.

5. Start a blog writing business. There are millions of blogs that need content added to them and you can make money writing these articles. You can turn this into a full time income if you enjoy it.

6. Write ebooks and sell them at ClickBank. This is an affiliate network that will also have affiliates waiting to sell your ebook for you. If you enjoy writing, and want to make a lot of money, this is one good way to do it.

7. Sell PLR products. Join a private label rights membership site and get new products to sell every month. This is also a good place to learn how to sell these products as you develop them and make them more unique from what everyone else is selling.

8. Sell stuff on eBay. You probably have things laying around your house you could sell on eBay. Many people turn this into an Internet business of their own.

There are certain things you can do such as affiliate marketing and drop shipping to come up with new product. You can also develop products of your own or find things to sell at garage sales and flea markets.

These are 8 ideas on where you can make money on the Internet. Finding something that you would want to do is not hard, and making money is possible for anyone online today.


2011年11月7日 星期一

Making Money through eBay, Affiliate Marketing, Blogging and other Work from Home Internet Opportunity Programs

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Did you know that there are more than a hundred ways to earn money via work from home Internet opportunity programs? Advancements in technology through computer software and Internet marketing tools have really opened doors and brought about alternative ways in making money online.

From taking online surveys and data entry positions to affiliate marketing and money blogging, it can be overwhelming to choose which market you can venture into. Then again, experts mention that for most people, it may take two or more methods before you finally see the perfect niche for you. There is no harm in experimenting different ways, especially since most of the resources on the net are free and readily available.

Making money through EBay ==>

EBay is one of the most popular sites when it comes to buying and selling items. With the thousands of transactions made every single day, t here is no limit to the amount of income you can generate from selling products.

Making money through Affiliate Marketing ==>

Affiliate Marketing is one of the best ways to earn lots of money online. The only thing is it is not easy to venture into something like this, you need to be really good with what you are doing and you need to go that extra mile to succeed in this field.
What's great about Affiliate Marketing is the fact that there's no need to set up a website or a blog and there's certainly no need to shell out money. However, you need to be able to provide consumers with well-researched articles and you need to be able to help them choose the products they want to buy. Of course, like any other business, you need a good marketing plan to succeed and reach the level of income you want.

Making money through Blogging ==>

These days, more and more people have realized that blogging is one of the easiest ways to start a business on the net. With a small capital, you can set up an impressive web page over time. If you will learn how to monetize your blog properly, you will soon generate decent income even if you don't have the time to update it anymore.

To set up a blog, you can just use free sites that can host your blog for you like Blogg er and WordPress. You can also set up your own blog using your own domain name. To generate serious income, you may need to shell out a few dollars for your domain name and web server. You don't need to worry because many people have proven that the benefits you can get from blogging do outweigh the costs (more or less $20 a year).

Then again, you cannot have a blog without something to blog about. You need to come up with a good subject for your blog. This is not something to get stressed about; you can talk about anything ranging from your hobbies and favorite movies to the recent scoop about your favorite celebrities or the latest high-tech gadgets.

In order for your blog to generate money, it needs to be seen by people. Suggested ways include submitting your blog to different social bookmarking sites; putting back links in your blogs and posting them on various social networking sites; writing free articles with a resource box (for the back links) and submitting them to article directories; joining Internet forums and putting a signature at the end of your posts; or simply monetizing your blog through Google Adsense.

Aside from setting up your own blog site, you can also get paid posting blogs. Good examples are Pay per Post, Review Me and MyLot. You can also insert affiliate links in your blog posts; you can offer ad spaces on your blog; or you can also sell your blog when you get tired of blogging. There are really so many ways to profit from blogs.

There you have it, the three best ways to make money online. For other work from home Internet opportunity programs, you may try Forex trading, Web content/article writing and Google Adsense as well as ClickBank. The list also includes MLM or network marketing, E-Books selling, Twitter-ing and becoming a paid premium blogger for other sites. The list goes on. With the wide range of choices, it is up to you to discover how you can earn money by max imizing the use of Internet marketing tools to your advantage.


2011年11月6日 星期日

How to make Money from Home with Network Marketing

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In affiliate network marketing, two marketing strategies are combined to achieve a more profitable and effective result.

These two marketing strategies are affiliate marketing and network marketing.

If you are thinking about starting your own online business and need tips for working from home, affiliate network marketing might be the thing for you.

Read on to get a more detailed idea on what affiliate networking marketing is.

What Is Network Marketing?

In network marketing or MLM, (Multi-level-marketing) many independent distributors who connected in a certain network distribute certain products, which they bought before for a lower price from the end selling company.

The difference between the price for which they bought the product and the price for which they sell it to consumers is their own earnings. The company, which sells their products to independent distributors, also pays them a commission for getting more people to become distributors. Some distributors who were attracted by original distributors called first level distributors.

First level distributors pay a certain commission of their sales to the original distributor. Theoretically, these levels are endless in network marketing, so there can be fourth-level distributors and so on. The original distributors will still earn money from the sales of these fourth-level distributors.

Network marketing is already very successful for online sales but affiliate network marketing is even more promising in terms of profit and growth.

What Is Affiliate Marketing?

In affiliate marketing, products distributed by independent affiliates refer to a product, or sell it directly from their website. The company pays affiliates a commission each time a sale is closed through the affiliate's site.

What Is Affiliate Network Marketing?

By combining network marketing with affiliate marketing, affiliate network marketing combines two strong marketing approaches and shows a greater result than both marketing strategies used independently.

In affiliate marketing, the affiliates often do not make significant profit from broadening and strengthening the network of affiliates who advertise for the same or for similar products.

However, in affiliate network marketing, affiliates can earn a great deal more by introducing new affiliates to the affiliate program and getting commissions each time these new affiliates sell the product. When these new affiliates bring new distributors to the network, the original affiliates will earn from those as well.

If you are planning to become an affiliate, then affiliate network marketing may be the right way for you to make a living. Business analysts see a great future for this method of earning money online and by working from home.

Get some books on online marketing with tips for working from home today and become a successful affiliate!


2011年11月5日 星期六

Affiliate Network Marketing Business: Duplicating Your Business Model

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Duplication involves copying or reproducing your existing business model /system into other markets or into horizontal product lines within the same market. Once you have established yourself successfully with your current business(and put the business on autopilot), you can hunt down new opportunities and repeat the same steps.

1) Research and target a new market or find horizontal product lines you can expand
into within your existing market.
2) Create an offer or solution targeted to the market.
3) Drive market traffic to your offer.
4) Build a backend for additional revenue. While many people ‘s systems end at step 4 this should be the case.

Duplication allows you to explode your overall profits by creating multiple streams of income . Having more than one income stream is crucial for a variety of reasons. The first important one is that, there may come a time that you have squeezed as much as you can from your first bu siness, while you still need to increase your income. Secondly, your niche market may over time become over-saturated with competition. Duplication allows you to double or increase your income over and over again in as many markets as you like.

In order to successfully duplicate your affiliate marketing business, a few questions are pertinent to ask oneself:

a) Do I want to go into a closely related market or a radically new one?

b) What market can I go into that might be even more profitable?

c) Do I want to sell the same type of product or do I want to sell something else?

d) What were some of the obstacles I encountered in my first business that I would like to eliminate this time around?

e) What have I learned so far that will help me create my next business even faster and do it even better?

f) How much of my existing profits can I reinvest into my new business?

These questions will help you make a Strategic decision about when, where, how and what to duplicate.

Duplication of your business is what will put your profits into overdrive. It is more like buying up real estate, where you acquire a property and rent it for a steady stream of income. In order to build on that income, you simply acquire more property and repeat the process. That process should cover the first four components of your affiliate marketing business process : Find a market---Create an offer--- Drive traffic to the offer--- Present backend offers. By creating multiple streams of income duplication will become one of the major factors in your ability to create wealth.


2011年11月4日 星期五

Affiliate Network Marketing Programs - Which Is The Best? Wealthy Affiliate?

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Affiliate marketing is helping many tens of thousands of internet novices make from hundreds of dollars to thousands of dollars every day. Whilst the concept is very simple, today, with so many websites offering affiliate marketing systems to make money online, I want to shed some light and expose some myths on what is and what is not possibly. Ultimately, I want to recommend to you the very best program to join if you are serious about making money as an online affiliate.

Now for the hard truth.

Firstly, it is not possible to make money without doing a thing. While the right system will give you the right steps, you actually have to follow them.

Secondly, it is not a "get rich quick" system. The whole idea is that you start earning a little and then steadily improve your promotions and advertising in order to make even more and more money.

Thirdly, it is not for everyone. If you don't have at least 2-3 hours a week to follow a system, then it probably isn't for you at this time.

Fourthly, if you follow the wrong affiliate marketing system then you will probably loose money. If you sign up with the correct program then you are very likely to succeed.

It takes alot of time, enery on money to find out what the best systems are on the internet and which one works the best for you and out performs all the others. Believe me, over the past two years I have tried and tested many different money making systems, programs, websites and networks. Many of these just plain and simply don't work, some were too complicated and some were just 'not for me'.

Over the past few months I have discovered that yes it is easily possible to make a good income using affiliate marketing. Read on to find out how.

The most important step to being successful in affiliate marketing is having the right system and tools. Through my personal experience of around 20 different system I found just the one that was superior to all the rest and the only one that actually made me money and is still making me a nice monthly income today.

Wealthy Affiliate provides training, tools, services and support for internet marketers and online business owners. This system takes the guess work out of making money online. They provide full step-by-step training and claim that they can teach anyone how to build a successful online business.

Wealthy Affiliate offers internet marketing training on how to harness the power of the internet to sell products online and build online businesses. They teach individuals how to make money online without owning their own products or services, and also train business owners how to drive new leads and customers to their websites.

Just take a look at some of the tools and features within the site which will enable you to get ahead of the competition, stay there and make a very good income from home.

Personal support and coaching
NicheQ. Industry niche reports for internet marketers
Site Rubix. The most advanced and easy to use website builder available online.
WA Jobs. You don't need any experience to start making money right away.
Free unlimited web hosting
Your own blog and space
Rapid writer system. Create, spin and generate highly optimized content for your promotions
And much, much more ...

Why do I recommend WA above all other affiliate marketing sites including the likes of An Income For Life and Strong Futures International (SFI). In a nutshell it works. Just take a look for yourself after reading this article.

Most websites offer their users ... Methods that are out of date and no updates on the material published a long time ago. No privacy policy. No coaching or help in making their methods work. Either a slow response to emails or none at all! No customer support. Out of date information. Useless information. A complete waste of time and money. Methods that caused me to loose money!

The bottom line is simple. Wealthy Affiliate works. It actually makes you money. If you have an extra 2-3 hours per week and are willing to follow a proven system then you can be making a full time income working only part time from home.


2011年11月3日 星期四

How to Turn your Annual Income Into Monthly Income Fast With Affiliate Network Marketing

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The Law of Attraction states that you can have, be, and do whatever you want in life as soon as you master the science of getting rich. As we all live within one connected Universal Energy Field, we can achieve anything we want by aligning ourselves in harmony with Infinite Power.

Here's how.

4 Action Steps You Must Take to Achieve Financial Success

1. Activate Your Creative Mind, not Competitive Mind:

We typically think competitively. We fill our minds with ideas such as "How can I do better than my competitors?" Or we think, "How can I help my company increase its market share?"

This scarcity mentality manifests to a zero-sum game. One gains, the other loses.

To come into harmony with the Universe, you need to become a Creator, not a Competitor. When creators advance, everyone also advances.

2. Knock Down All Hurdles to Building Your Own Business by Selling Large Companies Products on the Internet:

Before the Internet, a traditional retail business demanded:
Ample capital and cash flow
An excellent business plan
Experienced management team members
Reliable suppliers
Efficient inventory and operations management systems
Store rentals
Hiring and training of sales assistants

At the end of the month, you would pray your revenues would be higher than your operating costs. The problem for the majority of us is that we lack the necessary startup capital, cash flow, management experience, and connections to start our own business.
Now, thanks to the Internet you can sell large companies' products on the Internet and eliminate all obstacles. And, these larger companies benefit by cutting their overhead costs.

That's exactly why many large companies, such as Amazon and Dell are looking to increase their sales force by welcoming affiliates just like you to sell their products online. You are awarded commissions in return.

This way, you don't have to incur:
Manufacturing costs
Inventory costs
Store Rental costs
Shipping costs
Staffing costs

3. Choose Well-Established Companies that Offer High-Commission Plans:

While you may like to sell products affiliated with renowned companies such as Amazon and Dell, you may not be very attracted to their low single-digit percentage commission plan. So choose wisely! You don't want to pick a saturated market.

I recommend an affiliate program like Bob Proctor and Jack Canfields' "The Science of Getting Rich" seminar program, where you can get 25% commission fees equaling US$500 per sale!

4. Choose a Lifetime or 2-Tier Affiliate Compensation Package:

Not only do you want to choose a high-commission affiliate program to promote its products and services, but you also want to choose one that offers continual residual income or a 2-tier affiliate compensation plan. This is the most important step as one-time run-offs are ok, but you cannot become insanely rich this way.

For illustrative purpose, let's use the "Science of Getting Rich (SGR)" Seminar Affiliate Program to show you how a 2-tier affiliate program works:

You will earn US$500 for anyone who purchases the SGR program through your website. When someone buys from you, they also have the option of becoming an Affiliate Member. They are called your Tier 1 Affiliates. When someone purchases through your Tier 1 Affiliate, you will receive an additional US$250. They are called your Tier 2 affiliates.

With the above compensation plan, you can earn one million dollars if you sell, the SGR program for example to only 5 Affiliates each month for a year, and each of these 5 Affiliates sell to 6 other Affiliates (Tier 2) each month for a year.

The beauty of these affiliate type programs is that you are creating steady income even if you decide to stop selling the product to anyone. Your 1st Tier Affiliates will continue to generate recurring income for you.

By leveraging the power of your affiliate network, you will turn your monthly income into annual income.