Before we answer the nagging question, "how do I set up my blog?" you may be wondering why you should even start your own Network Marketing blog. Well, here's a rundown of some reasons why you should have a Home Business blog: Having your own valuable asset, allowing you to attract Home Business leads.
Additionally, Google, FaceBook, Youtube, Yahoo and Twitter capture a large proportion of all daily internet traffic. Your MLM will allow you be found online by a lot of internet users.
4 stages is all it takes to have a Home Business blog. You can build your Home Business blog on many different platforms. You may add your content and write as much as you like, but the particular platform has every right to altogether remove "your" blog from their system.
In effect, you have absolutely no control. If the platform goes down for any reason, your Network Marketing blog goes down as well. When you optimize your blog, so you rank well on Google, Yahoo and the other search engines, that ranking ultimately helps the particular platform you choose, and not your blog.
So when selecting a blog platform for your Home Business blog, careful thought must go into the platform you choose.
Owning and controlling everything when it comes to your MLM blog will move your business in the right direction.
The platforms mentioned above, make it simple to set up your MLM blog, but at the expense of being in total control of your blog. You should to create your blog on Wordpress.Org, where you own your MLM blog.
Here's Why You Should Have A Blog On Wordpress.Org?
Most blogs nowadays are hosted on Wordpress.
With its design, Wordpress integrates seamlessly with Social Media.Wordpress lets you build and host your own MLM blog. Plus, it's a free platform with great services.
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