Binary Network Marketing pay plans are complicated subjects for most to understand. Many would be marketers and even novice distributors have little depth in understanding them. Binary plans may be simpler than some plans but it is still challenging.
You should understand that a compensation plan needs to be subject to the same evaluation process that any Mlm opportunity, its' leadership, products, and marketing system go through before you make a decision about signing up.
You've decided to invest yourself, your time, energy, dreams, and money into building a business. If distributors better understand the dynamics of the pay plan first, they will be better able to choose the right opportunity to spend your time on.
While the pay plan is clearly important, it is only one part of any MLM opportunity. Due dilligence suggests you look at the whole package, including but not limited to: Pay Plan, Product, Automated Tools, Market Size, Leadersh ip, Start-Up Costs, Mentorship, and your personal level of preparation.
Do yourself a favor; seek out third party information, facts, and resources that deal with exactly what it is going to take to be successful in this industry first, before you make a decision about any company or network marketing business opportunity.
Let's take a look deeper at Binary Mlm Compensation Plans.
Are Binary MLM Compensation Plans proven and sound?
Binary MLM pay plans have been around the last couple of decades. They have undergone improvement and revision during this time to improve payout plans for distributors and to protect companies from overpaying.
Binary pay plans may be relatively new to the network marketing industry as a whole, but it clearly hasn't hurt their popularity any. They are popular among network marketing companies and with established members of the industry.
There are a number of advantages that make bi nary's attractive to all network marketers. This includes newbies, part timers, experienced full timers, and heavy hitting big guns as well. Some consider Binary's to be the most exciting of the pay plans because of the lucrative payouts they can provide.
Is the Binary Plan a Pyramid Scheme?
Pyramids are illegal enterprises. Binaries may look like a pyramid when they are filled up, but that certainly doesn't make them a pyramid scheme.
Binary Plans are not set up to be a recruiting game where people are only joining the Binary for the opportunity to make a lucrative payout for signiing people up. People joining Binaries must be joining to market a legitimate product or service.
An easy way to spot a pyramid scheme is there is rarely a legitimate product or service for sale. Also there is no payout unless you successfully recruit a specific number of people into the pyramid. You're paid on signing people up and generally there is n o selling or marketing of products or services to receive payment.
Advantages of Binary MLM Compensation Plans:
� Huge potential payouts make Binary Plans very exiting.
� Most Binaries pay weekly or bi-weekly, whereas most other MLM compensation plans pay commissions only once a month. This helps new recruits get into money fast giving distributors immediate rewards for efforts expended.
� Binary downlines pay to infinity. This means that you will benefit from a strong producer, even if they are 12 levels deep in your downline.
� Binary Plans offer the greatest potential generational earnings depth of any of the four basic compensation plans in Mlm.
� Binary plans are great for fostering teamwork in an organization. It is beneficial for your upline to assist your success, their success benefits you, and your downlines success benefits everyone. This tends to build team unity and cooperative energy.
� You really only need to concentrate on building one leg of your business- your "Money Leg". The other leg of your downlines matrix or "Power Leg" is usually being built by those in your organization that are above you, and more experienced than you.
� Your power leg almost always growsfaster than you can possibly keep up with. With a binary compensation model, your up-line will place their new members under you into what's called your powerleg. This is called spillover.
� Binary Plans are much easier to understand and maintain qualifications for than other plans created before its' creation.
� Binary plans do an excellent job compensating mid-range commision earners. Binaries donot do as well on low end commisions or very high end commissions.
� Binary Mlm Compesation Plans help the average and even less than average marketer to be able to achieve success, and realize the potential for financial freedom.
Disadvantages of Binary Mlm Compensation Plans:
� Binary pay plans often require more work on your part. But it doesn't mean they are any less lucrative for those who work them correctly.
� This kind of Mlm plan is a balancing game. Many companies using binary pay plans pay only on the weaker leg (money leg) in your downline and the matching volume from your power leg. Large sales volume may be flowing through your power leg but you only get paid on the balanced volume flowing through your money leg. You get paid on the matching volume; this can cause a lot of money to be left on the table.
� Pitfalls of Placement: You will need to understand how many people you must personally add to your legs for extra bonuses, and understand the importance of placement within these legs to eliminate mistakes that could cost you money.
� Binaries have upper limit payout caps. Most Binaries have a maximum upper limit on earnings called a payout cap (more about this later) . Each business center has a limited earning potential which maxes out to ensure that both distributors and the company earn money. Some distributors don't realize this. However, Binaries may be combined with other commission payment types, earning bonuses, and multiple business center options to help with the capped earnings problem.
2011年9月29日 星期四
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