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2011年9月13日 星期二

Revealed - The Real Secret To Curing Retention Problems Forever

"What Is The Single Biggest Problem In Network Marketing InGeneral, And How Exactly Can You Create A Recruitment Tidal WaveThat Will Have Your Upline Gasping For Breath ?...."

Any ideas ? Well surprisingly it isn't that people won't join,your efforts aren't yielding results, your friends and family don'twant to know. Its nothing like that. In fact its so obvious thatmost people can't see it until its pointed out to them.

The single biggest problem in Network Marketing is retention. Haveyou ever noticed what happens when your upline goes on holiday ? Things start falling apart. They can't go away for longer than afew weeks as their group quickly starts disintegrating. Why isthat exactly ? If you look at Network Marketing in general thereis a 90% drop out rate in the first 6 to 12 months. In otherwords, if you sponser 10 people today, then in 1 years time onlyone of them will still be in the business, and probably won't evenbe working that hard.

Now at the beginning it isn't that much of a problem. If you have10 people in your business, then as long as you recruit 9 or morepeople over the next year then your group grows and you're on yourway. But look at what happens once you get to say 100 people. Allof a sudden you need to add another 90 people just to stay whereyou are ! At 500 people it rises to 450 ! And thats just to staywhere you are, never mind growing you business further. So you seewhat happens if your upline goes on holiday for just 3 months to"live the dream" of network marketers ? They come back and findtheir group nearly 25% smaller than when they left, which in mostleadership compensation plans can easily mean their monthly incomecheque is halved. Was that 3 months holiday really worth it ?

Now don't get me wrong, I love Network Marketing, which is why overthe next few issues we'll be looking at how exactly to do thisright. How to cure your retention problems step by step - forever.

You see, if you do everything the correct way, using propermarketing techniques and leaving your warm market alone, then aretention ratio of 65% or more is completely achievable. In fact,I know many leaders in Network Marketing who simply apply thesetechniques and have retention ratios of 85% and above. Once we'veworked together to solve your retention problems, we'll then workon how to grow your business at incredible ratios, and I'm talkingwell in excess of 20 - 30 people a week, if you're willing to putin the time and effort to do that. But first things first, letslook at how to keep them once their in the business first.

"How Many Others Want To Know How To Achieve 65% + Retention RatesYear In And Year Out Without Fail....."

So where should we start ? Well believe it or not but the cause ofretention problems has just two root causes. The first is theapproach - leading with the opportunity not the products. Thesecond is the prospects - the warm market. Today we'll focus onthe first and why exactly leading with the opportunity causes youto lose nearly 90% of your downline every single year.


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