I am about to do you a huge Favor by saving you months of time and auto-ship payments. If you are looking at home based businesses and ways to make money online you quickly realize that the more you look, the more opportunities you will find. As many possibilities as there are out there, they generally fall into two categories; MLM/network marketing and instant pay programs. Instant pay programs can be direct sales or have a 1-up/residual comp plan or a combination of the two
To simplify things, the main difference between MLM and instant pay programs is that with instant pay programs, you make the bulk of your income almost immediately, when the new team member joins.
So why is this better? The answer is relatively simple. You get paid no matter how serious your new team member is.
Although the internet has made it easier to find and market to potential prospects, it has also essentially killed MLM/network marketing.
The amount of information and business opportunities available today on the internet makes it nearly impossible to keep 80% of the members in your downline. You will constantly be competing with "the next best thing". Most people that join businesses do not have the discipline to ride out the slow times. If they feel like they are not making progress quickly enough, they will drop out of your downline as soon as they see something they like better.
Since the bulk of your income in MLM/network marketing is not derived from your own efforts, but the efforts of the people that your downline refers. You will spend the majority of your time fighting downline attrition or replacing people that drop out of your downline.
Don't get me wrong, it is possible to make a substantial income with network marketing bu t there are many more factors need to "click" to make this happen. In addition, your skills and the size of your marketing budget will largely determine your success in MLM/network Marketing.
Instead of fighting for five dollar commissions and to keep people in your business. Take the equivalent amount of what you would spend on 8-10 months worth of auto-ship, go ahead and join a solid instant pay program with that money.
Once you have acquired some skills and a reasonable advertising budget and a better understanding of how these businesses work, then try and tackle a solid MLM program.
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