When it comes to using the internet to produce leads and generate an income you "need" an online marketing system in place before you start wasting your time on marketing.
Now whether you decide to create your own online marketing system or you choose to utilize one of the generic marketing systems available like My Lead System Pro or JB's 7 Figure Networker that's absolutely up to you but in this post I'm going to break down the online marketing system so you know the components for yourself.
first of all why would you want to have an online marketing system in place before you even start marketing? The answer is simple: Because you want to be able to capture people's details (Leads) and profit while automating the process as much as possible.This is where you marketing system would come into play and it just makes sense to have a marketing system in place before you go out and spend your hard earner dollars or your valuable time on marketing if you're not going to squeeze it for everything it's got.
You wouldn't see a local store advertising their shop before they had the store stock full of products and ready to profit would you? No... You need to have the same mindset.
Now this doesn't matter what network marketing company, multi level marketing company or even what online business you're running, you need a marketing system in place.
Ok... So what makes up a marketing system?
1 - Lead Generation and List BuildingThe first component to an online marketing system is lead generation and list building, you not only need to create new customers every single day but you also need to capture their details so they can become customers and repeat customers.
In order to build a list you need an auto-responder which is a service that allows you to store people's details, create email follow up series and send out bulk email to your entire list.
In order to create leads you need to master an online marketing action for driving traffic to a lead capture page like this that will allow you to capture people's details to store in your auto-responder and in the long run build your list.
2 - Funded Proposal and Sales FunnelGenerating the lead is the first part of the online marketing system but you need a way to monetize your leads and not only convert them into customers you also want to bring them into your chosen network marketing company.
The first step to monetizing your leads is the funded proposal which is primarily a cheap information product that you offer on the front end of your sales funnel, so when someone opts into your capture page they are then taken straight to a sales page for an info product that can range anywhere from $7 to $97 dollars this will allow you to create up front income and fund your marketing.
The second phase to the sales funnel is the back end which is done in your email auto-responder service you create an automated email follow up series that sends out to your leads on complete auto-pilot.
"Automation and leverage is the power of an online marketing system"
In that email follow up series you not only want to build a relationship by offering beneficial tips, resources and training you also want to have affiliate links to products, seminars, etc that you stand behind and believe will add value to the people's life's on your list.
It's possible to have automated signups into your business opportunity by crafting a sales funnel around you chosen business opportunity.
You can create a sales funnel however you like and it really all comes down to the business you're in and the marketing you're doing but the idea of a sales funnel is to create multiple income stream on complete auto-pilot.
When you have a fruitful sales funnel in place all you need to do is drive traffic through it and the money and business growth comes out the other end.
If you're reading this and your new to the industry I'm sure you thinking to yourself right now "How the heck do I piece all of this together", well my advice would be to not bog yourself down with learning how to piece it together and utilize a marketing system like MLSP while you learn.
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