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2012年2月3日 星期五

Secrets to Effective Network Marketing Web Pages Revealed - Business - MLM

In today's world of Network Marketing, many new network marketers fall into the trap of using their company provided web page, which is a huge mistake. There are three keys to using a web page to build your downline for network marketing.

The first key to effective network marketing web pages is to use something called a landing page. Never use your company provided web page. You want to have a very simple page with a very targeted message addressed to the audience you are trying to recruit with that page. If you have your own personal landing page, with your name on it, people will start to identify you as an expert and new people want to join an expert.

The second key to effective network marketing web pages is to have an opt-in form so you can capture their information. Essentially you want to be able for that potential customer to leave their first name and e-mail address so they you can contact them later with information. When people get to your page, you only want to give them one option, submit their information. You don not want to give them many choices since people will quickly lose interest and you will never get that person back as a viewer. Its hard enough to get people to your page. Ensuring you maximize the number of people that opt-in to your form is crucial.

The third key to effective network marketing web pages for downline building is to offer to give them something like a white paper or ezine series. Provide some kind of information that they would want in exchange for them giving up their contact information. Make it information that will be worth their while for their time. Perhaps make it a video bootcamp on the best way to go green or to build a network marketing business. It might be an ebook that you write which has a link for your opportunity in it. If you make it good information, you will have them coming back for more!

Never use your company provided web page to attract new customers. The three keys to effective network marketing web pages for downline building are: use a single landing page, create an opt-in form, and give that person something of value in exchange for their information. This is only the first step in building a downline with Network Marketing, but it is a crucial one.


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