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2012年2月1日 星期三

YouTube SEO - Optimize Your Videos - Business - Networking

A Quick Checklist to YouTube SEO Best Practices

In this article I will be covering YouTube SEO, what it is and why it is important to you and your network marketing efforts.

Posting a lot of content and optimizing that content,so it gets found in search engines,is an important part of network marketing, and videos are an important part of content. Seeing that YouTube is ranked #3 in the search engines and is the most popular video website, you should be posting videos there.

If your using YouTube video marketing for your network marketing business there are some search engine optimization techniques that need to be done, if you want higher rankings. The following YouTube seo tips can help you to optimize your YouTube videos in a very short time.

1. YouTube SEO Checklist 2. Video File Naming 3. Title 4. Description 5. Tags 6. Video Syndication 7. Website URL 8. Include The Keyword "Video"

YouTube Video SEO

Remember to include a call to action. This part of your video and video description is just as important as doing the on page optimization

Encourage others to rank your video,leave comments and subscribe to your YouTube channel by asking them for it within your video and description. One can never have enough comments and likes. This will also help the rankings of your video.

In, Summary - There are 5 important factors that YouTube uses to rank videos: title, description, tags, number of views and ratings. Now you don't have control over the number of views or ratings but you can control the title, description and tags. This is where you will need to concentrate your YouTube optimization.

Remember, your videos will be indexed by Yahoo, Bing, Google as well as YouTube's search engines. So you will have many opportunities for you video to be found online.

So, now that you have a checklist to go by when creating your YouTube Videos, you will have a better chance to rank those videos in the search engines instead of just uploading them and hoping for the best.

For a more complete description of each of the points listed above read the rest of this article, "YouTube SEO" at The Handyman Of Network Marketing's website.

I hope that you have taken away some valuable information from today's blog post and by doing so that you start to see your videos get more traffic and increase in rankings.

Remember To ... Live Life by Design, Galen Morgigno


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