We are in the "Space Age Network Marketing" now. The "Primitive Age Network Marketing was dead long time ago! What do I mean? The old school prospecting methods that were used in the past are no longer effective in today's world and prospects.
Network marketers everywhere are learning the hard way that cold calling strangers, or chasing their warm market (like friends and family) DOES NOT WORK anymore. And yet, millions of network marketers still dwell in the past, using primitive or obsolete methods trying to lure Space age or modern day prospects.
Today's consumer has absolutely no patience for the old school network marketing sales pitch-period!
Are there easier ways to find more qualified prospects today? - Yes there are! Today's most successful network marketers are using modern technology and the internet to bring prospects to them, rather than fishing for prospects over the phone, in public places, and among their friends and families.
Let's check the difference between the Primitive Network Marketer and the Space Age Network Marketer.
Primitive Network Marketer: Uses the power prospect list (aka power name list as memory jogger) and acts like an amateur telemarketer calling everyone they know with the hope of finding people that may join their business.
Space Age Network Marketer: Uses emails, social media, websites and blogs to attract a much more targeted group of people who are drawn by an already established and cultivated interest in an opportunity - specifically a network marketing opportunity.
Primitive Network Marketer: Regularly attends local "business opportunity meetings" and invites their prospects to join them for an hour or more listening to boring information about their company, products and compensation plan, only to be disappointed in the end because their prospects had little or no interest at all with the business and so rejection takes place.
Space Age Network Marketer: Hosts webinars or teleconferences that may be pre-recorded and hosted on a website for pre-interested prospects to connect on their own terms 24 hours a day. Thus leveraging their time and eliminating the pain caused by rejection.
Primitive Network Marketer: Thinks and acts like a sales rep - tries to use compelling sales strategies to overcome objections in order to get a prospect to sign up or buy their product.
Space Age Network Marketer: Thinks and acts like a leader - provides value to the market on the front end by giving their pre-interested prospects a high level of education thus providing comfort, confidence and trust.
Primitive Network Marketer: Follows the philosophy "SOME WILL JOIN, SOME WON'T, SO WHAT, NEXT! Doesn't think of long term relationship building with a prospect; wants to sell product or sign them up right away. If it doesn't happen, that person will be mentally dismissed with no follow up strategy.
Space Age Network Marketer: Understands the power of selling through education and using automatic communication to continue the education beyond the initial contact allowing them to develop the idea that they were not being sold at all, that they buy because they want to.
Primitive Network Marketer: Uses the pseudo friendliness of a salesperson trying to sell you something or to get an appointment to pitch their opportunity or demonstrate their product.
Space Age Network Marketer: Builds genuine rapport with their pre-interested prospects by writing articles, creating educational videos, blogging, etc. to position themselves as a trusted adviser and respected expert.
To become a Space Age Network Marketer on the cutting edge in tody's world, you need to tap into the power of modern marketing and cutting edge technologies to explode your down-lines, boost sales, and foster credibility in the market place. If you do this, you will never have to chase your friends and family, cold-call strangers, or use the 3-foot rule again. Visit MLM Achievers Online to see exactly how this is done!
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