Are you confused by information you are getting about your product or network marketing opportunity? Are there too many products, catalogs, training videos? Do you have difficulty in knowing where to start when it comes to building your business? Hopefully I'll be able to give you a few pointers to set you on your way.Over the last decade there has been a huge surge in the number of MLM and network marketing companies and now there are so many companies, so many products, so many opportunities and so much information that choosing the one that is of interest and worthy of our efforts is, if not difficult, at the very least very time consuming. Ther has undoubtably been a huge rise in the number of successful MLM distributors but there is still a huge number who struggle to make MLM work or who get so disheartened that they simply pack it in.Many distributors get swamped by the business detail surrounding them, especially now when emails arrive from your company or upline w ith yet another sales tool, training video or product range. Some people take it all in their stride and quickly move on to success, but others stuggle to understand the complexities of and how to manage all of the various sales tools, marketing systems and, most importantly, the compensation plans. And if all of this is coming at them at the speed of light via email and the web is it any wonder that they get confused, angry and disillusioned and pack it all in far too soon?So, if you need any help, here are a few pieces of advice based on my struggles.How long were you at school for? Lets say 12 years and some of you may even have gone on from there to do a further 3 - 4 years at college or university. You did all of that to get, hopefully, a good job that pays you 30-50k a year. So you want a bit more money and decide to try network marketing as it seems to be an easy way to make money. Now, bearing in mind the length of time you spent in education, is it really the best t hing if you jack in your MLM business if it doesn't make you 10k/month almost immediately? It certainly is not. To be successful as an MLM distributor you have got to be prepared to take the long view and look on growing your business, expanding your knowledge and earning the subsequent success as a much longer term process.Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that as a newcomer you can't be reasonably successful straight away. But becoming more successful depends on finding the right formula to make your business work. If you know where to look you'll find that a lot of the donkeywork has already been done for you by others and all you have to do is apply someone elses knowledge to your business. The biggest problem to MLM newcomers is finding the right company with the right product and the right systems that suits their personality, skills and most importantly interests. If you're female and interested in health and beauty are you going to be happy selling car parts for a l ong time? Maybe but unlikely!One of the good things about choosing a "mature" company is that people have already taken the knocks to get the whole concept and business model up and running, but that is only good if there is some kind of simple plan that shows you how to use the knowledge base which has been built up by these people. Obviously that knowledge base is not going to be there, or at least will be much smaller, with a newer company but it could be that the newer company is selling something that you are really interested in or knowledgeable about so that could your deciding factor.No matter what product you end up selling there will probably be several suggestions as to how you should be selling the products but my advice is to select two or three at most and concentrate on them. Do the same with your sponsoring methods, pick a couple of methods you're comfortable with and concentrate on them.Your goal should be to keep things as simple as possible, but not too si mple. To put it another way always be prepared but don't spend all your time preparing. Remember that the whole idea of getting involved with MLM was to make a bit more money. That is a great idea but what use is it if all of your time is taken up with your 9-5 job plus your MLM work. Remember all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy!!Take it one step at a time and measure your success on a basis that suits you, daily, weekly or monthly. You'll have good days or weeks and bad days or weeks but if you work at it consistently and stay committed you will get there.
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