Last night I received a VERY disturbing email from one of the many on my list since I'm a reporter for DEMC Ezine. At first I thought it was a joke and then I realized this person was dead serious and what was being discussed was very serious!
Being the good investigative journalist I like to consider myself, I followed up this morning with research on the Federal Trade Commission web site and found what he was discussing was absolutely true!
Basically according to documents at the web site it explained that the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), which is the watch dog of the US Government for Business Opportunities, Franchising, Network Marketing and now Internet Marketing, had decided that Internet Marketing and especially Affiliate Marketing should come under the same regulation as Franchising!
You may not have an idea how devastating this can be but I will attempt to explain in layman terms.
You see as a former consumer investigative reporter I have been on the other side of the aisle fighting Franchises and Network Marketing companies. Where the problem is with this new regulation is the potential for astronomical LEGAL fees to be able to operate your Internet Marketing business in the 50 states of the USA. So this does not apply to those outside US jurisdiction.
Now I know for a fact that Network Marketing companies pay as much as $5000 or more PER US STATE for legal fees to be able to operate in a particular state. Also you must pass a rigorous inspection by each state Attorney General's office. You think Spam complaints are a pain you have NEVER experienced pain until you have dealt with some of the Attorney Generals! They will eat you alive!
So now do you see where this is leading to? Yes, your little side or even full time Internet Marketing business could face more than a quarter of a million dollars just to do business in the USA!
And, folks this is a PASSED regulation of the FTC! Not something they are considering. However today after going through my private Rolodex of Internet Marketers I have not found ONE besides the original person that alerted me that knew about this regulation! Those bureaucrats at the FTC who have not got a clue what Internet Marketing is passed this without letting any people like John Reese, Shawn Casey, Mark Joyner, etc. speak before their panel!
Is there any way around this? Possibly and it involves my Libertarian Congressman friend Ron Paul of Texas who has learned about this plan of the FTC. At my blog listed below I will be further discussing how he plans to go around the morons at the FTC.
However there are things you can do after reading this:
1. Send people to my blog.2. Write and call your Congressman and Senators and tell them you want them to join to fight this insidious regulation like Ron Paul of Texas.3. If you feel so led share this article with others.
I have decided to start a Watch Dog operation with my blog to find and announce these potential moves by US Government regulatory bodies to hurt us Internet Marketers. Yes, I'm one too!
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