With the global economy still in perilous terrain, people are desperately looking for ways to make a second income that would not only supplement their existing earnings but would also afford them a sense of security. The internet is a medium that abounds in money making opportunities and when most of them are scrutinized, network marketing emerges as the obvious winner. So, here is a look at what is it about network marketing that makes it so attractive.
Financial independence: Most people who want to learn about network marketing are interested in achieving financial independence. As a network marketer, you will be your own boss, making as much money as you can and working whenever you like. However, personal freedom does not come at a cost in network marketing, as there is a lot of money to be made here. And, you get all the money that you make, as opposed to a 9 to 5 job where the company takes more than 50% of your rightful earnings and you remain languishing on a modest salary.
Personal Freedom: Another thing about network marketing is the personal freedom that you enjoy while you make money. You can take a vacation whenever you want, spend as much time as you like with your children; take the weekend off and never work over time. In simple words, you make the rules.
Work at home: The best aspect of being a network marketer is that you can work from the comforts of your own home; forget all about hours spent traveling to and from work, crowded trains, unbelievable traffic jams and more.
High rate of success: Network marketing is very simple and once you get the hang of it, you can make more money than you ever did with very little effort. Your chances of succeeding as a network marketer are considerably higher than if you were to invest in a traditional brick and mortar business. As opposed to the considerably higher rate of failure of small businesses which stands at 95%, the chances of losing your investments in a network marketing business are miniscule.
Low Investments: One of the best things about network marketing is that you need very little investment to start your business. There are limited overhead costs and none of the hassles associated with an offline business such as insurance, rent, employee salary, registration etc.
Ease of Operation: If you look at all the information about network marketing available online, you will find that it is very easy to be a network marketer. There is little or no paper work and none of the legal issues that you may encounter in a traditional business. The company that you deal with takes care of most of these aspects for you.
Free Training: Most companies that you work with as a network marketer offer some form of free training and a wealth of information on hoe their products or services can be marketed. They also do all the research that you will need to make your network marketing venture a success.
Tax Savings: Since you will be working out of your home as a network marketer, you can get some serious tax rebates; for instance if you use a part of your home exclusively for business purposes, you can tax deductions on the rent; the same also holds true for your utility bills of services that are used for business such as electricity, internet etc.
With so many benefits, it is no wonder that an increasing number of people are interested in finding out more about network marketing opportunities in the cyber space.
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