There are a lot of human beings in network marketing that try to overcomplicate and over think this business including myself. In many ways, this is because many of the people that get involved in network marketing are working full time in corporate America.
And what happens in corporate America? They overcomplicate and over-analyze every little nugget of their business. To clear up a $5,000 issue in corporate america, they will involve 10 people on a conference call for an hour and then determine that they need a tricky algorithm analysis with an explanation output in powerpoint. Once they complete the research, they have spend 100 man hours on this $5,000 issue and it cost them $10,000.
MLM Training Tip - KISS method
Many of these people get involved in network selling and use their background and try to overcomplicate this business. Unfortunately, network marketing is a very easy as pie business. I like to remind people that I work with that I use the KISS method - Keep It Simple Stupid.
I am a simple person and try to keep things as simple and basic as possible so I can understand them. Network marketing is all about talking to people about your organization. You are either ranting to your warm market or your cold market. With your cold market, you can generate leads offline or online.
MLM Training Tips - The Network Marketing Business Process
The corporation structure that you utilize once you obtain a lead is very simple. In fact, the process only involves 3 steps:- Talking to People- Sending an Easy as pie Message- Enrolling the Interested
Step 1 - Spouting to People
Once you have a lead (either from your warm or cold market) you need to get on the phone with them. Many human beings that use internet marketing to make customers do not like to talk to their leads but at the end of the day this is a people business.
When you speak with your leads, you need to probe and ask questions and figure out what their concerns are, what keeps them up at night, what do they desire, what their frustrations are, etc. When you talk to the prospect you don't want to get in selling mode, you want to ask questions and learn if they are something you want to work with.
Step 2 - Sending a Simple Message
Once you have built rapport with your lead and you both are interested in moving forward, you send them a simple web presentation, conference call, or whatever your upline recommends. I send my prospects a web demonstration that is 45 minutes and let them review it. Once they are done with the review of the business, we do a follow up.
Step 3 - Enroll the Interested
When you follow up with your lead, you ask a simple question "what did you like about the presentation" and get their feedback. Answer their questions that they might have and then if they sound like they might be interested, you simple state.."sounds like you are ready to get started, how would you like your name on your check?"
Again, I must to stress this very simple MLM training tip. The network marketing process really is as simple as 1-2-3. There are many different aspects about actually generating the leads (which can be done a ton of different ways) but the basic process is very simple.
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