Earning profits with a mlm opportunity in the 21st century is vastly different than it was a decade ago or even back in 1970. In 1970 for example the network marketing model was completely new. The business was built through personal relationships by default since there was no other way to hear about or sign up with a company without speaking to another home based business owner - this was before the internet - before even mobile phones!
In 2010 however, there are still some business builders around from the 1970s with multi-million dollar businesses. But, if you were to follow the old techniques they used to produce their millions today in 2010 you would struggle for years. That's because those tactics won't bear fruit the same way anymore.
They say now that over 55% of people have used or purchased a product from a home based business - there is a much larger awareness to the business model and industry today. Therefore it is crucial to utilize the newest forms of technology in the market - especially the ones that have gone mainstream - or you may never make it. It is kind of like computers - they say technology changes so quickly that in as little as 18 months a new computer today would already be out of date!
The good news though is that the new marketing methods on their own won't build your business. There is no way to create a completely automated network marketing business - at least not one that will make you money. Think about it: If it were that simple or easy, large corporations with their virtually unlimited budgets would have created automated systems you wouldn't be able to compete against and they could own the market - the key is that it requires hard work and a human touch to build a successful network marketing business that no amount of technology can replicate.
This is good! This is what creates a market for people to be able to work from home and create rapport with others one on one. Again, it's this that makes success and profits with a home based business possible. It isn't a get-rich-quick industry. It definitely requires work.
Today, those home business builders getting the best growth, the biggest checks and the most successful duplication - which then becomes the largest passive income checks - are the savvy marketers who combine some of the old school marketing techniques that center around relationships along with some of today's most fashionable and useful marketing tools. Utilizing a strategy to be able to combine the new and the old together is where you'll achieve the most profits...
Because you have a passionate reason why, a true desire for a better life, a commitment to give it your all and not quit until you get there - that, plus successfully implementing the old with the new, is what is going to help make you massively profitable once you have these strategies and techniques that the Top Money Earners use.
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