Network Marketing is a profession that has been around for over four decades now. The US started the trend with the first big network marketing business being set up in the year 1959 with a single product and a unique vision. The people who started the network marketing business believed that it was unfair to sales people to get paid once for a service that would continue to profit the company for years.
When Network Marketing first started up, nobody was willing to accept the idea of a network marketer, but today this industry is responsible for tens of billions of dollars in turnover every year.
The basic tenet of network marketing is that many products are better sold face-to-face instead of employing a middleman or a store. Companies such as Amway have helped revolutionize the way the world thinks of network marketing. Network marketers earlier used to sell products from door to door and experienced different levels of success. The advent of the Internet has helped greatly improve the situation. It has changed many of the marketing and distribution practices across industries and made it easier for network marketers to get public attention.
Today, Network Marketers are forced to carefully distinguish the pyramid schemes and scams from the legitimate network marketing companies. This task can prove to be a little difficult for most people. Another challenge that faces network marketers is the fact that this industry is a very high-risk proposition, but with the high risk comes high rewards, and network marketing is one of the most lucrative employments that one can pursue today, especially in the time of recession.
One important factor that differentiates a successful Network Marketer from an unsuccessful one is the amount of hard work and effort he/she is willing to invest into the industry. Virtually every time, the amount of effort is directly proportionate to the results. Another factor that is crucial to success in the Network Marketing industry is interpersonal skills. It is critical to realize that succeeding at network marketing is most definitely not a question of luck. Finding the right company to suit your skills, overcoming objections and developing a simple yet powerful system that is executed with courage and persistence are all essential qualities to succeed in this industry. Effective networking is the single most important key to a successful career as a network marketer.
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