The best network marketing opportunity always depends on you and the company working together. I'd like to be able to say it is always Skincerity, Monavie, or ACN.
That just doesn't make sense.
Instead, let's look at how it should work.
You Have NeedsYou have personal needs and wants for yourself! The best network marketing opportunity should meet your needs, not just be a one size fits all.
When you find a business that meets your needs and offers you the fulfillment you want, great! You should consider pursuing it. The latest craze that everyone joins just to avoid missing the wave probably won't match your needs as well. Also, an unproven business isn't for everyone.
I have signed up in several nutrition-based companies, and also in one that calls itself a wellness company. After a few experiences with opp-hopping, I decided that type of company wasn't for me.
Do You Fit?Ask yourself if you fit the company, and if it fits you. I decided, and I think you'll agree, that admitting you don't fit takes some maturity. You need to find a business that works for you. If you don't like being in the company and participating in the field, you won't get far.
These days, the market place is so dynamic and diverse. You have so much to choose from. You don't have to be in just wellness, cosmetics, and soap anymore.
What Do You Like?Make a quick list, at least in your head, of what you would like in your best network marketing opportunity. If you like wellness companies, great. You have many to choose from.
Or do you like technology? Do you like real estate? What about selling education? You can find opportunities in nearly any field as a network marketing opportunity.
When you know what you like, choosing an opportunity you can stay with will be easier.
What About The Pay Plan?You can look at pay plans in a couple of ways. First, is it set up to reward the retail seller or the wholesale seller?
A good retail plan offers a 50% or higher commission, for example. A good wholesale plan will offer a smaller retail margin and much more as overrides or other incentives. For instance, you might find a company with only a 30% retail commission, but ten levels of overrides and bonus pools in addition.
Also, many pay plans accentuate leadership. If you like building your own organization, great. Others will offer a huge commission for selling the product, and little or no actual downline. These companies emphasize selling, not building an organization.
Which Do You Prefer?As you look for your best network marketing opportunity, you have a couple of decisions to make.
Sometimes, you will have enough interest in a particular opportunity that you don't mind the way the pay plan works.
Or, you like the pay plan so much, you don't care about the actual product, though I think this won't happen much.
In any case, you have to feel comfortable in the company, with the policies, the people, the meetings, and so on. Otherwise, you won't do much work, and you won't achieve anything. And then you'll be off to another opportunity.
Your best network marketing opportunity will be the one you stick with and earn more with for a long time.
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