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2013年4月1日 星期一

How To Select The Best Network Marketing Opportunity For You! - Business - ECommerce

This article is about how to select the best network marketing opportunity for you. There are so many different types of business opportunities available to select from it can become overwhelming and time consuming. And sometimes making the wrong selection can COST YOU LOTS OF MONEY, instead of making money. At the end of the day you just want to find the best way to make more money selling quality products with a home based business that provides you with the freedom of being financially independent. Thousands of new mlm network marketing companies are started each year and only a fraction of them go on to be viable companies that truly help people make money. Let's take a look at some of the questions you should be asking about a network marketing company before you make any decisions and help you avoid any costly mistakes. Here are 7 things to consider when looking at an mlm opportunity:

1. How established is this company? Getting in at the proverbial ground floor can be great but you still have to get others to join in order to get paid. There are NO free rides. You want to make sure all of the processes are in place to track and manage things like orders and payments. If your company does not have a good back office foundation it can lead to many problems downstream.

2. Do they offer a quality product? I can't stress this one enough. You may be able to get people to buy something once but if it's not quality don't expect any repeat orders. Quality is what will allow you to consistently build your business month to month.

3. Do you believe in your product and company? This is another BIG one. The most successful people are passionate and driven about their business. This will come through in your marketing pitches. You can only fake it for so long. Pick a product and company you truly believe in. Don't take this decision lightly because it will have a huge impact on your success or failure.

4. How good is your up-line and support team? Unless you're an experienced network marketer with the knowledge of what it takes to build a large organization you will need to rely on your supporting team. You want to make sure they have a coordinated and consistent system available for you to plug-in to. Make sure they have weekly conference calls, webinars and training events that you can leverage as you build out your network.

5. Can you understand the compensation plan? If it takes a slide rule and a complex algorithm to understand the compensation plan then good luck trying to explain it to a potential prospect. Nothing sells better then a straight forward, no bs comp plan.

6. How will this mlm business or upline help you generate leads? You only have so many friends and family. Once you've exhausted that list you will be on your own to grow your business. You want to work with a company and team that is going to HELP YOU generate qualified mlm leads. Ideally they will help you identify people that are looking for a home based business as opposed to people just wanting to buy product. You want to find Leaders that are going to grow under you and help you make more money.

7. How much does it cost to join? Don't make the same mistakes I did and go out and join some expensive program without first getting your feet wet and experiencing whether or not this is something for you. I can't tell you how important it is to set a budget up front and stick to it. I would not spend any more than $500 to join any company or opportunity and make sure you don't have to take on any inventory yourself in order to sell their product.

So many people end up failing in this industry. Take the time to find a product and company you believe in that offers high quality at a competitive price. Make sure the company is reputable and established and has a compensation plan you can understand and explain to others. If you take the time to evaluate your business opportunity and develop a plan it will go a long ways towards contributing to your success of working from home.

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