The burning question, what is the difference between being an affiliate marketer and a network marketer? Maybe you know the difference just not sure if it's something you want to take on. You may have asked yourself is it REALLY possible to do both? Some of you may be very successful in your network marketing business but looking for some new strategies to produce more growth and duplication. So is it possible to do both? In Short, You bet it is!
Ok imagine you could earn commissions on complete autopilot by placing some links on your website or in emails you send out. That my friend is affiliate marketing. Of course we can get more in depth with different strategies but I wanted to make it simple just to give you a general idea.
So what does it really take to become an affiliate marketer on the internet? Let's start with a few definitions. An Advertiser, or merchant, is the company who is selling a product or service to different markets. Now we have this product or service. There are many different kinds of affiliates. Maybe it's a camera. Maybe it's books. Maybe it's software products or services of some kind. The trick is to choose affiliates that are in your niche. Every time someone goes to your site or orders through a link in your email you make a commission. This is a great way to create cashflow in your business to fund your advertising etc in your primary company. Making money while you sleep is pretty simple. Sometimes waking up to hundreds of dollars in cash for doing close to nothing.
So how does this work with network marketing? Ok lets go over that. It's pretty simple. Lets say for example you set up a few affiliates with some different products or services. You also set up some sort of sales funnel so people will get put into a sales funnel every time they log into one of your capture pages on the internet. That person is already somewhat qualified. They are willing to put in their name, email, and phone because they are looking for more valuable content to get all their questions answered. Now as that person gets put in your sales funnel they see more valuable content but also links to different affiliates that you have set up.
Like I said earlier, it's very important to market products and services in your niche. For example, if your trying to help the mlm community you don't want to be an affiliate marketer for flashlights. Doesn't make sense. You must be passionate for the affiliates you are marketing with what your primary business is on the backend.
Believe it or not most of your big earners in network marketing DON'T promote their primary business on the front end. That is selling and people hate to be sold. It is much easier to promote "generic" products that help people with their business instead of selling them on another business. They log into your capture page, see all the cool affiliates to help them with their business, and sooner or later will ask you about what you do online.
Hope you enjoyed learning the difference between being an affiliate marketer and a network marketer. Kind of a hybrid marketer if you may. It really works like magic when it's all set up. Multiple streams of income. There really isn't anything much better than that.
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