Hello friend and welcome to yet another network marketing juice drink called Yoli. Have you heard about Yoli and their Blast Cap? When is it all going to end with these drink companies? Can all of these different companies really compete?
Yoli and the Yoli - Blast is the latest and greatest MLM launch in 2009 offering a health drink. Their product is called Yoli and the Yoli Blast Cap which delivers the perfect, most powerful, and freshest preservative free ingredients to be found anywhere. With a lucrative comp plan, a state of the art web site and top leaders they stand a great chance of taking some market share away from their competition. They can take pride in creating a different look and a brand new overall business.Here is my complaint and I'm not poking at just Yoli.
It's crazy today as every couple of weeks we hear about a new start up MLM with the next best thing. All of them sound very similiar with the best plan, product and leaders. They continue to pile up as additional business opprtunities enter the market.
There is a lot of confusion out there. If you search the web you will discover network marketing businesses promoting products from diapers and sanitary napkins to cell phone service and health insurance. This is killing the MLM industry. It seems people are just trying to out yell everyone else and they switch from business to business hoping to find an answer.
We all know that keeping members in MLM is key. I have seen a full downline of 100's of members fall apart in less than 2 weeks because someone in the upline decided to change businesses. Top leaders have lost their rank that took many years to create.
What we see with new launches like Yoli is fast initial growth and then the real making of a business comes in. How well is their retention? Will people stick around even if a new MLM with a new product starts up next month and entices them to join? Or will they be like others trying to promote 5 or 6 different companies with no success in any of them?
This is the standard recruiting process in MLM. Typically a prospect is given a business presentation by a company leader with a lot of influence. The speaker has a great talent for persuasion. Several testimonies are given and after about an hour or so of brainwashing the prospect is directed back to their sponsor with money signs flashing in their eyes ready to join the opportunity.
When the new member gets home and the haze clears they soon come to the conclusion that they don't know where to begin with their new business. They are taught to contact their family and friends and work through their warm list. They might sign up a few reps or they might not but what they soon discover is that they have run out of people to talk too.
You probably already know what happens now.
The new business owner works really hard for about 2 months but is getting little results. During a point of frustration he finds out one of his members just quit and tells him this business is not for them. The frustrated rep starts to buy leads but again is disappointed because the expensive leads turn out to be worthless. After about another 30 days the rep throws in the towel and decides it must have been a bad product so he goes in search of the next business opportunity. What a crazy cycle to be on.
Yoli and the Yoli - Blast Cap present a comparable story. There is nothing out of the ordinary about Yoli from other MLM's. Yoli has simply organized a new company with a super product. People will have the same experience with Yoli as they did with other businesses they have tried in the past. I am not preaching against Yoli just telling how it is.
There is however a solution to this madness and this solution will make a difference for you in Yoli or whatever network marketing business you decide to build.
Isn't it strange that we use the term Network Marketing but there is actually very little marketing training. Let me paint a picture for you. Suppose you owned an ice-cream store and you told all your friends and family about it. Maybe some of them came in and bought your ice-cream cones throughout the week. But imagine if those were your only customers. What would you do without a constant stream of customers coming in daily? How long do you think your business would last? Now let's imagine you have a marketing plan in place. People are seeing information about your business and are drawn to your delicious ice-cream. Daily you get a steady stream of devoted fans who can't wait to get theirs hands on your ice cream. Now that's a business.
The key is marketing folks. When you put the "Marketing" into network marketing you get the growth in your business you want. In fact you will have people calling you and chasing you down eager to join your business when you do it right. If you are looking for a way to keep your members in your downline all you have to do is teach them MARKETING and they will be able to grow their business too.
Attention Yoli members and all of the other MLM folks out there. There is a better way to do things. Learn how to blast your home business off like a rocket. When you know how to do it the sky is the limit.
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