Are you tired of the old school network marketing techniques? You know the 3 foot rule, hanging flyers, bugging your family and friends, and holding hotel meetings.
When I first joined my network marketing company, everyone in my upline said..."You can do it." "If I can do it, you can do it"! Just follow this script when you talk to your friends. Make a list of all that you want to talk to.
I didn't want to talk to my friends about this. Maybe I'd consider talking to Doctors or Chiropractors, but not my family and friends. But then when I tried the medical route, I sounded so silly not knowing everything about my product!
I was facing lots of rejection and my pocket book was dwindling as I tried to chase leads. I was about ready to give in the towel, but I thought I'd try another approach...I'd search Google for a network marketing tip.
So, I surfed the web looking up all kinds of network marketing tips that could help me get better at this game.
Well, fortunately I got lucky and discovered a few of the smartest internet marketers on the planet. My upline had never told me about this network marketing tip!
Network Marketing Tip 1:Jonathan Budd's system on attraction marketing and social media marketing has been a lifesaver. This kid is on the leading edge of network marketing tips and secrets. My world has opened./susan (copy and paste the link into your browser)
Network Marketing Tip 2:Check out Mike Dillard's 7 Day Free Video Boot Camp. In these 7 free videos Mike explains how you can attract an endless stream of prospects to you ready to join and actually get paid to prospect. These videos have really changed the way I do my business, and I think they can help you too.You can get free instant access to these free videos here... (copy and paste the link into your browser)
Hope this helps!Sue Vittner
iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software
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