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2013年8月25日 星期日

A Unique International Business Opportunity - Home - Home Business

When a fledgling entrepreneur considers venturing into aninternational business opportunity and decides to researchthe available opportunities, perhaps using Google or one ofthe popular search engines, very little information is tobe found. In fact the term "business opportunity" yieldsapproximately 250 thousand search results, "home businessopportunity" yields approximately seventy thousand searchresults, "network marketing business opportunity" yieldsslightly over one thousand results and "internationalbusiness opportunity" is just about equal to "networkmarketing" in terms of search results. It's obvious thatthere are hundreds of thousands of individuals interestedin a "business opportunity"; however, by far the majoritylimit themselves to considering more conventional orperhaps "vague" opportunities. This article will propose abroader look at available opportunities and in fact willconsider a unique, if not compelling look at aninternational business opportunity and mo re specifically ageneralized network marketing international businessopportunity.

Before delving into international business opportunityspecifics, let's take a look at the cultural andtechnological developments that have come about in the past15 to 20 years that make it possible, and perhaps evendesirable, to consider a more global view when approachinga new business opportunity. Tremendous strides incommunications technology brought about in a large measureby the development and astronomical growth of the Internethave made instantaneous communications with a prospect,client or business associate not only simple but veryinexpensive. The advent of email, audio/video conferencing,and VOIP (voice over internet protocol) phones have made itas easy to contact the person next door, as the one downthe block, in the next state or on the next continent.

Indeed because of these strides in technology it ispossible to combine the "business opportunity", the "homebusiness opportunity", the "network marketing businessopportunity", and an the "international businessopportunity" into one all encompassing global business thatis operated out of a home office with a computer and broadband internet connection with little else needed. To beentirely correct, there are already a small number ofleading edge companies that are operating in just thismanner with all of the tools in place to operatenationally, internationally or globally.

While it is not the intent of this article to make specificinternational business opportunity recommendations,consider as an example a business using a model ofoperation commonly referred to as a Funded Proposal or aGeneric Funded Sponsoring Franchise System. The FundedProposal, in a pure sense, consists of three parts: theFunded Proposal, secondary sales, and a primary businessfor long term wealth generation. Many businesses using thismodel, market an information product such as an ebook,course, or seminar that they sell to first qualifyprospects and to generate income to fund their futureadvertising in building their business.

The secondary sales, sometimes referred to as back-endsales, can be products, services, or tools that are anintegral and fundamental part of the operation of thebusiness as well as to further enhance the income generatedby the business. It's possible that a break-even orslightly profitable position can be achieved via thesecondary or back-end sales.

Obviously, the primary business is the most crucial part ofthe international business opportunity and must be selectedwith great care. There a number of factors that must beconsidered carefully. These include: 1. The Company musthave unique products that serve multiple different marketcategories and appeal to the masses. 2. The company must bestable, must have been in business for a minimum of 15 to20 years, and have the ability to generate long-term salesand income. 3. It must have a system that is simple andduplicatable for product marketing and delivery. 4. TheCompany management must have been successful businessleaders and have a vision for future growth. 5. The Companymust be global. 6. It must payout at least 50% of sales,offer unlimited depth within the compensation plan and mustoffer meaningful Fast Start Bonuses. 7. They must give backglobally and have a vision of making an impact on the worldin a positive manner.

In conclusion, given the correct business model along witha well thought though plan or vision for success, theextraordinary tools that are available today and withplenty of hard work, it is entirely possible to start asuccessful business with a minimal investment. That is notto say that there will not be obstacles and disappointmentsalong the way, but regardless of the choice, whether it berestricted to one's home town, whether it be a networkmarketing business opportunity, a home businessopportunity, or an international business opportunitythere's little doubt that one exists which will fit yourdesires and expertise, but make sure that you do yourresearch and that your selection is based on a soundbusiness model and well thought out plan.

Ted L. Langley is a successful network marketer whose passion is online network marketing and helping others achieve success. ://

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