As marketers, we all have one constraint in common and that is time. It becomes apparent that, as marketers, we should maximize on our action time by effectively communicating with more qualified prospects. The bottom line is if we do that consistently, we'll produce and recruit more. There's a common philosophy within network marketing and sales in general that leaders live by: "Professionals Sort, Amateurs Convince." So what helps in this process? Automation. That is a system that answers the question of "what's in it for me?" for your prospects and gets them to raise their hand and request further information from you personally. This totally changes the dynamics to the marketer as he/she is now dealing with a warm lead instead of a cold lead.
Sadly, few marketers employ such a system in their marketing efforts and experience frustration in their business which far too often leads to them quitting. Many components are essential in one's long term success in network marketing and a strong support to bridge the gap comes through the use of a web form. Web forms are an essential way to filter through prospects and plug automated follow up tools into one's overall system.
Tip #1- Just because your company may provide a web form, doesn't necessarily mean it is effective. You want to be sure to provide something of value to your prospect. Consider this from your prospect's perspective. Would you want to give up your information just to receive stuff about how great someone's company is? You can separate yourself from the vast majority of marketers and create a sustainable competitive advantage by providing up-front value (in addition to your company material) that the prospect can use in his/her overall decision making process.
Tip #2- Be sure that what you are using can be duplicated through out your organization. There's nothing worse than attributing an increase in your business success to something that another leader in your organization cannot use as well.
Successful Marketing!
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