Network marketing is hard!
And if you think you can push some magic button and instantly have hundreds of leads or money just flow into your bank account. you're crazy!
But this business can be MUCH easier if you have a proven network marketing system of duplication which will allow you to help your team achieve maximum results.
Before we get into the juicy goodness that is the perfect network marketing system, let's talk about what is not working, but unfortunately most network marketers are still doing. And what's worse is this is probably the single reason why there is a 95% failure rate in this industry.
We all know that sometimes the most simplest explanation is usually the best. so we will keep this in mind when dissecting why 95% of network marketers fail.
THE reason network marketers fail 95% of the time is because the marketing methods they are being taught fail 95% of the time. I know you're thinking this is too simple, but I think that's why people disregard it. But what are the failing network marketers being taught? Let's find out.
When I first got start I was taught to basically cold call people. It was semi cold because I was told to call my warm market. but you have to remember these people were not interested in my business, so I would put them in the cold category.
Now before we get any further I'm not saying this doesn't work, it just didn't work for me. and it's not duplicatable. You see not everyone is an outgoing, charismatic sales person who knows everyone. Some people do really well with this strategy, but very few people do.
What seems to happen most of the time is once this person has made a list of let's say 100 of their closest friends and family, they call them and try to pitch their business. Now what happens when every one of these people say "no"? You guessed it the heart-broken and discouraged network marketer says this doesn't work and quits.
Another factor that leads to network marketing failure is once they've run out of "warm" leads they're told to buy overpriced leads and call them. Well you fall into the same hole mentioned earlier. you're calling cold leads who are not interested in what you're offering.
You see these "targeted" leads are anything but. They fill out some ad that asks them if they want to financially free or what to make money online or do they want to make money from home. WHO THE HECK DOESN'T?
Just because they want more money doesn't mean they want to join your business.
So how do you think this new network marketer is feeling right now? Well they've distanced their friends, emptied their bank accounts, raked in enormous amounts of debt. and on top of all this they have only heard the word "NO" the entire time. And all of this combined will lead them to quite and think this industry is a big fat scam.
Once someone stops believing in themselves. they have little hope in their business. And that is why 95% of people in this industry fail. Not because of the business but because of what they are taught. They simply aren't taught the correct network marketing system that has been proven to work time and time again.
So what can we do to change this? How can we change this so 95% of network marketers are succeeding in this industry?
Well we build a bullet-proof, proven network marketing system!
In order for a would-be home based network marketer to be successful there are a few things that MUST be in place. Here are the key attributes of a proven network marketing system.Your Proven Network Marketing System
1. Lead Capture Page - This will be a page that is designed specifically for your network marketing company. I would make this a very generic page with strong sales copy telling the person why they want to opt in for more information. The best way to do this is to offer something for free. whether that is a report, video, or anything else that might help them make a decision. Before they can get your free thing they must fill out their name, email, and maybe phone number. This is probably the most important part of your network marketing system.
2. Free Valuable Gift - This could be a video, report, or anything else that gives the person more information about your business. It must be highly informative, explain all the features and benefits of your company and must focus on the support and training the new team member would have access to. Keep this in mind when you're marketing your business. the prospect does not care about your company's product, comp plan, or anything else. The only thing they really want to know is how you are marketing your business and how they can do the exact same thing. Yes you want to give them information about your company. but just know this is not how they will make their final decision. The network marketing system you have in place will determine if they join you or not.
3. Follow Up Email System - The next part of your network marketing system is the follow up. Once you've captured their information you can now follow up with them and provide more information about your company and marketing/training systems. Most of your leads won't do anything the first time. It's been proven that it takes anywhere from 7-14 times before someone takes action. so be patient.
4. Continual Feed Back System - Basically this is where you alert your prospects (on your email list) when people are joining your team. Also inform them that every person joining before them is earning THEIR commission. This will invoke the fear of loss and get them to join your team. This is one of those mind tricks Jedis and Gurus alike use in their network marketing system.
5. Strong Support/Training (The Most Important) - The whole point of a network marketing system is duplication. If you want to just sell stuff or sign people up become an affiliate marketer or something. Network marketing is about helping other people achieve the same results you've achieved so if you're not training your team correctly then your setting your team up to fail. You must encourage them and provide them the necessary tools and skills to win.
6. A Product You Believe In - In order for this entire network marketing system to work you must have a legitimate product or service, and you must be proud of it. You want something everyone needs and also wants. Something that could add value or increase in value. And you want a strong compensation plan.
7. Yourself - Because you are a leader and will be someone your team looks to, you need to be an active leader in your company. To become a true leader you must constantly be learning new things through books, seminars, programs, courses, and anything else you can get your hands on. Then do your best to share the information you learned with your team.
Above you'll find the essential components of a proven network marketing system. If you implement this system correctly you should not have to cold call a single lead because every single lead will want to know what you're doing and how you can help them.
If you're still cold calling generic "make money online" leads or "biz opp" leads you're wasting your time and money. But the worst thing is if you're teaching your team to do the same you could be destroying your business. When you have your prospects opt in for more information about your business and your marketing system before even speaking with you. you have a better chance of signing them up when you talk to them. You are now the authority and in their eyes you have the solution.
The email followup sequences will provide added communication to strengthen the relationship between you and your leads. Within these emails you can show them your network marketing system so they can see what they're missing out on.
So, before spending another penny on overpriced leads begging people to look at your business, ask yourself if you're using this proven network marketing system. If not, then ask yourself how you can implement this system as soon as possible.
I struggled in network marketing when I first got started using the old "call all your friends and beg them to join" strategy. Let's just say it didn't work so well. Since then I've been able to find a business opportunity that has all of the components mentioned above as well as partner with some amazing leaders and figured out how to get people chasing me with credit cards in their hands wanting to join my business.
Network marketing is a great way for the average person to achieve financial freedom in life. It can be a great personal development and wealth journe. if you have a proven network marketing system in place.
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