Network Marketing is often maligned because of the relentless nature of some of the adherents, but nevertheless Network Marketing provides an equal opportunity for people to own their own business with what is actually a strongly ethical business model.Regardless of means, anyone can be successful with network marketing and since many people start a network marketing business part time, while still working a regular job, it is it a great leveler in the business world.
Multi Level Marketing (MLM), also known as Network Marketing, is a business-distribution model that allows a parent company to market its products directly to consumers by means of relationship referrals and direct selling.
More and more companies are looking at Network marketing as a means of promoting new and innovative products and for some it is a great way to start building a substantial income for themselves with very little capital.
Worldwide network marketing is forecast to continue growing exponentially for several decades. Fortune magazine called direct selling (of which network marketing is the largest segment) "the best kept secret in the business world.
Well known billionaire Warren Buffet, after purchasing a network marketing company, called it the best investment he had ever made.
In recent years, the phenomenal growth of the internet has been a driving force in the success of network marketing. Using well designed websites and online network marketing to leverage time and effort, combined with good old fashioned personal networking can produce residual income lasting for years and even indefinitely.
With the growth in the aged population, more and more health companies are offering products to try and take advantage of the relative wealth of the Baby Boomers, However, anyone looking at getting into network marketing of health products needs to look carefully at a number of facets of the business:
1. The first thing anyone looking at network marketing must ask is: How difficult is it to demonstrate that these products actually work? In virtually all cases the answer is, extremely difficult.2. The second question you should ask is: How good is the compensation plan?3. The third question is: Is there clinical evidence behind the products?4. Fourthly: Who is using the products without being paid for it?5. Fifthly ask: Are there any prestigious medical people involved in the business? (Obviously the majority of members will be ordinary people but when there are medical specialists involved as well then you can be sure the products have credibility).6. This one applies to all network marketing offers: Make sure that the company is legitimate and is not promoting an illegal pyramid scheme.Basically if an MLM organization has little in the way of actual products and is seen to put more emphasis on the recruitment side of their business than on the direct selling aspect the n it could be seen to be unsustainable in nature and will be labeled a pyramid scheme.
To summarize; Network Marketing offers a second to none chance for any person with a good work ethic to start their own business, plus discounts on personal trips, bonuses for referring friends and family, and an exciting career where you meet with all kinds of people are all part of the benefits of working in network marketing.
The clincher of course is that more and more successful network marketers are joining the ranks of self made millionaires.
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