1- Promote yourself not your company
2- Build your list
3- Lead with the products, not the opportunity
4- Be a professional marketer
If you have looked online lately you will notice there are ads everywhere promoting the next great company, pre-launches, this is the greatest network marketing opportunity ever. On and on it goes. If you listen long enough they will all start to sound the same. The the truth is, most of these companies are here today and gone tomorrow. This is how I learned lesson number one, promote yourself not your company. People online are looking for opportunities, but what they're really looking for are mentors. The most successful people online are the people who can show and teach others how to become successful. In other words, you are your most powerful product or service. Focus on getting the skills you need and teaching others and no matter what company are in you will always be successful.
The second greatest lesson I learned is to focus on building your list. Your list is the only predictable factor of long term network marketing income. There really is no other predictable factor. When it comes to prospecting, all of your marketing efforts should be targeted towards one specific goal and that is to build your list. Most of the highly successful online network marketers make just as much income from their list as they do from their network marketing business.
The third lesson I learned is to lead with the products and not the opportunity. The key to success in any business is having enough customers buying your products to sustain yourself in business. No company ever goes out of business because they have too many customers, and this is true in the network marketing industry as well. People in your downline will come and go, but a foundation of loyal customers who love your products and services is an invaluable thing for your business.
The final lesson I learned is to become a professional marketer. Always remember you are you network marketing professional, and not a network marketing rep. What's the difference? Professionals focus on improving their skills, learning from other people and becoming great at what they do. It becomes a life long pursuit and not a get rich quick scheme. A reps success is usually tied to one particular company, a professionals success is tied to the whole industry. So whether the company stays or goes the professional survives, while the rep fades away.
The skills you need to become a professional marketer are literally one click away. Click here to take your first step towards becoming a professional marketer.
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