With the rapid development of science and technology in the 21st century, new industries are booming, the marketing competition become fiercer. The emerging and rapid development of e-business advanced the revolution of traditional industries; it gave a new lease of life and new direction to industries including mining machinery industry.
As the famous machinery brand, Henan Hongxing has its own e-business group. E-business widely changed our work over the past years, many potential buyers can reach our machinery and equipment such as crusher, sand maker, cement production line, ore beneficiation equipment through e-business, it also made commodity circulation quicker and easier. With one click of the mouse, the buyers can send their orders to us, e-business streamlines our business transactions, making them quicker, simpler and more economical. The sustainable development of E-business in China's offered new marketing mode- network marketing for manufacturers. The difference between network marketing and traditional marketing is that networking marketing operates mainly on internet, while traditional marketing run through sales personnel.
Nowadays, e-business platform on the network marketing, such as using alibaba business platform to release the propaganda enterprise products is exerted to establish business connections and trade profits. Based on thie platform, our jaw crusher, impact crusher, ball mill, Raymond mill, flotation machine, dryer and other mamchines have greater business markets.Exploration machinery is mining euqipments used in the pit and drilling prospecting operations. It's a kind of mining machinery. Pitting is excavating certain area of tunnel in deep accumulate, loose rock ore mining or , in order to understand the geological condition before mining operation. Mining machinery includes ore mining machinery and mineral processing machinery. The first mining equipment is mainly used for metal ores and nonmetal ores. By ore dressing process the processing machinery can be divided into crushing machines, grinding machines, screening machines, sorting (the sorting) machinery and mechanical dehydration.
Directing at some mining equipments company in mining market, they are on a small scale, large numbers and distributed widely with inefficient management and result in excess production capacity in domestic mining equipment industry. If things go on like this, Not only these companies can't live long but also would troubles get brought to our mining equipment industry. As China government turn energy saving and emission reduction on, weeding out low capacity will be sooner or later.
At present, because of serious environment polution, all governments advocate 'green industry' 'environmental protection'. For responding the calls, Chinese mining industry companies start various methods to make innovations, such as tailings recovery, energy recycling, new machines development for less polution such as mobile crushing station, ultra-fine grinder. With the trend, the competitives in the industry are more and more fierce.
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