Team Beachbody is a health and fitness company that in the first place commenced out as merely an advertorial company that dissipated health and fitness material through infotainments. If you watch plenty of idiot box, then you've probably seen an infomercial for P90X or Insanity -- or heck, you probably even bought the damn thing.
Well, in 2007, they decided to let their clientele publicize the word about theirastonishing fitness programs AND get rewarded just for referring folks to the programs. However they didn't just go the 'Affiliate route'. They took it a step further and crafted a network marketing business model for their customers to enroll and possibly make cash out of.
Rather than of calling these people the traditional Network Marketing term 'distributors', they called them Coaches and thus the Beachbody Coach Network was born. Originally it worked out well with the first coaches to work the establishment. Though as the programs became even more popular and more people started finding out about the business opportunity -- so along came the skepticism and the rants of the term "Beachbody Coach Scam"
And heads started asking the question: "is Beachbody now a Scam trying to rip people off with this income opporunity?"
Well given that they commenced with a purely direct sales company selling actual products -- it would be a little ignorant to title the Beachbody coach network a scam. The business model does reward coaches for their efforts to auction products and also how well their teams retail material as well -- this is done through their Compensation Plan. And this plan does look like a pyramid, but it's not a scam -- because Beachbody actually has material to sell, since they first commenced out as direct sales company auctioning fitness programs.
In more simple terms -- the Beachbody Coach opporunity is just an extravagantmotto to indicate 'owning your own business. You basically own your own business if you join the Beachbody Coach network -- you're an entrepreneur. Your ability to make lots of bucks in this company relies entirely on your effort and tough grind to build your business. Scams are contradistinctive. Scams tell you that you can make money in the next 12 hours just by recruiting people into something that has no product to sell.
That's not authentic.
So are folks going to keep labeling it a scam aside from of what I just explained in this article? Of course they are -- because reluctance is usually a result of ignorance and dearth of alertness. It's the hypnotic nature of this nation that quite frankly is detrimental our well-being. A mode that tells us to go to university, work, get a job, and have a family -- is very well in-grained in the brains of many that not a lot of people are agreeing to accept the network marketing business model. It's not 'normal' to them -- and therefore they call it a 'scam' to justify their lack of awareness.
Simply put -- Beachbody is not a Scam just like any other network marketing happening. It is a pyramid though, but pyramids are not what most folks perceive them to be. They're legitimate business models and can make people very rich subject to on how they work the business.
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