Blogging to get network marketing leads
If you're serious about getting network marketing leads you need to adhere to 3 steps. Before I lay out these measures I need to be truthful with you. When I was fresh to online marketing I believed I could just blog and it would likely rank and I would generate money. Sometimes ignorance is However, I quickly discovered there are guidelines you should adhere to to rank on Page #1 of Google. In my first 50 blogs I wasted over a 100 hrs composing content that wasn't ranking. Please, avoid my early failures and also continue with the guidelines beneath to rank your written content. The steps defined will work if you stick to them. For evidence visit some of the blogs I wrote on Page #1 of Google. Beginning a blog for beginners Spot #6 page #1. and my newest post as of Dec 16th "Laura's shuttle" 8th spot Page #1.
Blogging for network marketing leads
To review you must keep to the basic principles discussed in the first two portions of this sequence to get network marketing leads. "How to get online mlm success by blogging", and "How to get free mlm leads by blogging part II". The Things I am going to highlight in this third part is tying it all up. The most crucial things you can do to rank your site content go in this order. In addition, I recommend you begin using added tools if you're not already. Let's look at these 3 steps in depth so you can create free network marketing leads by blogging.
Market Samurai and getting better Network marketing leads
Market Samurai is a tool you'll now need to produce network marketing leads. Quit attempting to obtain traffic the hard way. Market Samurai provides you with critical functions you need to figure out the keywords to work with, and what your opposition does to rank their article. When writing your article first pick your keyword that has reduced competition and high search volume. For instance, on Market Samurai I'd prefer my competition for a keyword to be under 500,000. If at all possible under 200,000 and so I know I will rank page 1 shortly. Once I find a keyword with competitors under 100,000 I can rank my article on page #1 within 2 days. Until you have ranked page one Google don't pursue high competitor's key words. If you're not ranking on the front page of Google it doesn't matter just how relevant your content is if it's never read.
Knowing your competition to create network marketing leads
Market Samurai provides you with a SEO opposition page of the top ten web pages on Google that you'll be competing against for the keyword you select. This information is highly effective. You will discover the website age, index count, page rank, back links, GOV & EDU back links, and how well the article was increased. You can understand what you need to do to outrank your competitors before you even write your article. If you haven't enhanced to Market Samurai do it now. The price I last saw was $99 and was typically $149. If you see it for $99 I would pick it up right away before the prices are raised.
Knowing SEO an how to generate endless Network Marketing leads
Understanding SEO is vital in ranking your content on Google. Understanding SEO is easier than you think. Just how do I know? Prior to learning SEO my previous understanding of computers was basic browsing of the internet. Now I can rank Page #1 of Google. I discovered a course using the MLM Brothers called Traffic Graviator. This course has been monumental in giving me the understanding to optimize my blogs to rank. Finding the secrets and techniques that previously evaded me help launch my blogs past others with years of experience over me. If you're able to follow instruction this easy step by step guide guides you through the steps to optimize your blog to rank. You will find over 20 different ways to improve your blog/article correctly to out rank your competitors. Do you know how many you're using?
The data provided to you in parts I & Part II will allow you to rank on very low competition keywords. However, if you're trying to generate 10-20 network marketing leads a day into your small business you have to learn how to optimize your article to rank and drive traffic. Understanding SEO and knowing how to generate free site visitors to your business weekly is a priceless tool to know. Invest in your online business today and understand the secrets to optimization which will rank your articles on page one of Google.
Creating backlinks, social media and generating network marketing leads
The final step to generating network marketing leads is to create back links to your content. The easiest way to do this is to use Article Marketing Robot. Article Marketing Robot submits your article currently to 250-350 different social media sites. If optimizing this tool effectively you can create 500-700 back links at the click of a button and generate back links. Do you know just how long it would take to generate that many back links on your own manually?
For high quality back links use GOV & EDU sites. Instead of manually looking through these sites to get back links read my blog by clicking "My Birthday present to you". Paste these two codes into Google's search bar and it will pull up Gov & EDU sites you can get back links from. This supplies powerful back links to your content to rank higher creating network marketing leads for your online business.
If you've been struggling ranking your content or weighed down with not understanding what to do it's time you get in touch to get some direction. I know the above tools are superb tools to give you the know how you'll want to rank your content on the front page of Google to get discovered. Abide by these rules and use these resources to start getting the results you want and need to be successful.
To your success,
Jack Barnum
iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software
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