Leads are the lifeblood of your network marketing business. Without leads and prospects to present your business to, you are guaranteed to fail. Although there are a couple things that you need to do before you start generating leads, such as taking a good network marketing training course and setting up your capture pages and autoresponder, nothing is more important that continuously generating new qualified leads for your business. In fact, many good network marketing training programs will spend a lot of time on generating qualified leads and building your contact list.
You'll notice that I use the term qualified leads. One of the most common errors made by people generating leads is that they think quantity is all that matters. Most network marketing training focuses on generating (or buying) tons of leads without worrying about quality. Quantity is always good but not at the expense of quality. Many people burn through large quantities of leads because they are too lazy or have not learned how to market themselves effectively to their leads. Some are successful simply because they have so many leads but it's much easier to ensure that you are using quality leads and presenting yourself and your business to them effectively. This isn't to say that you only need 5-10 really good leads per month but you also don't need hundreds or thousands if you are generating qualified leads.
I am using qualified and quality interchangeably but they are not exactly the same thing. There are really two types of qualified leads; personally qualified leads and qualified leads. They are similar except that personally qualified leads are more valuable to you whereas qualified leads would be useful to anyone with a similar business. Both types of qualified leads should be considered quality leads.
The term Personally Qualified Leads refers to leads that YOU have generated. These leads or prospects are responding to you and your offer. This means that when you contact them about joining your business, they will have already received an e-mail from you or visited your website and they know who you are. They will be even more qualified if they have purchased a product or service from you. A large portion of my network marketing training focuses on generating leads but always with a focus on personal branding and ensuring that you are positioning yourself as the leader. Feel free to use any of the lead generation systems out there but they almost always are branding the site owner instead of you. You will be much further ahead if you find a good network marketing training program and learn how to generate your own leads. A good network marketing training course will actually show you where and how to generate leads using step-by-step instructions.
Ultimately it doesn't really matter whether you generate leads with pay-per-click advertising or on Facebook or through classified ads so long as you stay focused on generating qualified leads. I have purchased many leads in the past and that can work for your business but it relies on two important factors. You have to have a really good presentation and closing skills and you have to really know you business cost structure and be able to track everything to ensure that your purchased leads are profitable. If you are generating and qualifying your own leads, these issues are less of a factor as your prospects are already responding to you and your offer.
I have found that selling a product or service is a great way to qualify your leads. It can be an issue though since you need to make sure that the product or service you are providing is valuable to the lead or prospect. I generally prefer to offer mentoring and network marketing training to my prospects. This is as effective as selling a product in terms of qualifying leads and accomplishes two other important goals for me. It ensures that my prospects are interested in learning and working to build their own business and begins the teaching and training process as soon as they enter my site. You will find that it is never a bad thing to have leads and prospects that are educated regarding network marketing. Even if you are not yet capable of providing network marketing training courses yourself, there is nothing wrong with directing your prospects and members to a quality network marketing training course. You can build a rapport with them by discussing aspects of the t raining and they will always remember who referred them to the network marketing training program that changed their life.
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