Self Evaluation basically means that you are going to take a good long look in the mirror and objectively evaluate your own strengths and weaknesses. This can be a very difficult experience for most people. Generally people have too much confidence in themselves and can't see their own flaws no matter how hard they look or they have too little confidence in themselves and are convinced that they will never be good enough or smart enough to succeed.
When it comes to network marketing, self evaluation is especially important. The two main reasons why you need to identify your strengths and weaknesses are to ensure that you understand how you are representing yourself and are perceived by your prospects and to ensure that you are building a team of peers to compensate for your weaknesses. Of course you can take a network marketing training course to work on your skills but you could spend the rest of your life taking network marketing training courses and still not know everything there is to know. And it's not easy for most people to admit that they don't know everything. What's important is that you identify your weaknesses and focus your network marketing training on some key areas where you are weakest or can contribute the most.
Your first step is to try to clearly define your personality type. There are a number of programs that can assist with this such as Myers-Briggs among others. Taking their tests will help you understand the degree to which you are introverted or extroverted, thinking or feeling, intuitive or sensing and judging or perceiving. Knowing where you fit on these scales will allow you to better understand how you interact with the rest of the world. This in turn will allow you to customize your offers to prospects to attract like minded people. Also, once you have a basic understanding of the general personality types you can apply that knowledge to your business. By asking your prospects some simple questions you can determine their personality type and then be able to tailor your offer to their preferences. You will need to provide a lot of information to introverted, thinking types but you will need to create excitement for extroverted, intuitive types.
One of the reasons my network marketing training uses a number of different methods of conveying information is to ensure that all different types of people can find something that suits them. Some prefer learning through group discussions. Some prefer simply watching network marketing training video. One important thing to remember is that with any network marketing training course, it's always better to show your pupils how to do something instead of telling them. All personality types will learn better using the Show Me method.
Your next step is to compare your specific skills to what's required by the five main actions associated with network marketing success. They are building your contact list, inviting prospects to presentations, presenting your business, following up with prospects and training new members. Each of these five areas requires specific skills. If you are lacking in any of these areas, it's important for you to find a network marketing training course that will address it and allow you to learn what you need to know. If you have already established a team to work with, you can each focus on different areas and take the appropriate network marketing training courses. This will allow each of you to become proficient in one area first and then take additional network marketing training later to upgrade your weak areas.
Another good method of self evaluation is to record audio and video of your business presentation. There are a number of good network marketing training courses that can show you how to make a simple video. It's amazing that things you will notice while watching or listening to yourself that you had no idea you were doing. Look for specific things like the excitement in your voice or if every second work you say is um or uh.
Although it's hard to critique yourself, it's essential if you want to build a successful long term income from your network marketing business.
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