Blogging is becoming more popular by the hour, and is a must for anyone who is serious about creating an online presence. I believe that in business to be truly effective it is becoming clear that we need to maximise our options for generating business, both online and offline. Why do one without the other? Its nuts in my opinion, and also in the opinion of many of the top marketers in the world.
So back to blogging... The wonderful thing about blogging is that it is actually fun! Yes it's true. Entrepreneurs, solo-preneurs and network marketers are actually have more fun promoting their business today, with all these fabulous technologies at their fingertips.
What started off for me as a little add on for my Network Marketing business has now become much more than that. My blog often achieves high Google rankings, and allows me to attract high quality prospects from all over the world, through the information and keywords in my posts.
Marketing with blogs and Web 2.0 is all about giving value. People are hungry for information and they are going to find it on the internet with or without you, so why not become a valuable source through which they may receive some if it?
You can do blogs for every niche, not just network marketing. You can build a community round your blog in order to create a following and to attract people to your products and services. In turn you can then create more products and services to satisfy this niche market.
Through the interactive nature of the blog it is very easy to encourage direct response from your readers, which can be invaluable marketing research. They will happily tell you what they enjoy and what they are looking for.
With more relevance to this blog, you can establish yourself as a leader in Network Marketing by blogging about your experiences and learning curve in this business. People are looking for leadership, and when they find it they appreciate it!
In that scenario your blog will be more about MLM lead generation and drawing people to your blog posts, newsletter etc. and many times will also review the Network Marketing Company that you are with. It may be immediately if the timing is right for them, or it may be later if they decide they need to make a change.
I have heard it said many times that people join you in Network Marketing either because they:
a) See you as a leader who can help them get where they want to go, or
b) See the system you are using to be of value to them in building a business.
The best resource I have found for learning how to set up and run an effective blog is 'Atomic Blogging,' by Alvin Phang. I wished I had found it before I had set up my first blog because it would have made the process a lot easier for me!
Alvin is a professional blogger who rakes in big bucks through monetizing his blog, so he is not a theorist. His background is a techie one so when he saw the potential of blogging he immediately got to grips with automating the techie side of everything possible, which made it possible for him to teach others in very simple language and with step by step instructions and diagrams, how to set up a professional looking blog.
His ebook is packed full of goodies and bonuses. He talks you through how to find your profitable niche, your keywords (using a great piece of free software he created which allows you to instantly get the KEI and Ratio of the keywords you are looking to use in your advertising)
If you don't know what these things are then you soon will do and let me tell you, you will appreciate this software because there are no longer readily available free tools online for this purpose. This is relevant if you are thinking of monetizing your blog around a certain niche.
I found I could dip into the information as and when my blog developed, and I had time to apply more of his strategies. I was a complete beginner when I started, with no technical background whatsoever, which is why I recommend this to anyone who is feeling slightly over-awed at dipping their toe into this exciting arena.
The Atomic Blogging guide is comprehensive and takes you through every step of the way right through to the technical side of installing your Wordpress blog, and then in specifics of how to market and get tons of traffic to it.
There are free plugins which are easy to install, many of them designed or located by Alvin to make life easier for the blogger. This alone for me saved me hours of just trying to work out what all this meant!
Anyhow that's about it for now. If you're serious about entering the blogging world, I recommend you start off correctly, rather than dabbling so jump on over to Atomic Blogging and pick up your free report.
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