Mlm Recruiting Is Required
In Mlm, recruiting is imperative if you want to excel in the industry. There is no way around this. Many persons that join network marketing companies don't fully understand this concept. Selling only the products or services will not get you to the top of your business.
The heavy hitters and top earners in the mlm industry are successful because they have built big teams. You have to become good at recruiting in order to build a large team. If you want to make a significant income and achieve a top spot in your business, you must learn the Mlm recruiting process.
Recruiting Is A Contact Sport
In talking to new representatives, I will sometimes find that they are initially uncomfortable talking to people about their new opportunity for a variety of reasons. Some are concerned about what folks will say or what other folks will think of them. Others are just not comfortable talking to persons they don't know. Let's face it, to make it in this opportunity you are going to have to talk to individuals and tell them about your opportunity!
One thing I see often is folks would rather send emails or text messages in an attempt to recruit others. These techniques are not effective. Direct sales is an individuals business. You need to make personal contact and email or text messages just won't cut it. This business is best built using personal contact. Remember, individuals join people not email or text messages.
The Mlm Recruiting System
I like to keep things simple and since many individuals are visual learners, I'll use a picture to illustrate the Direct sales recruiting method. I learned this procedure about 14 years ago and I've been using it every since. It's easy to understand and very simple to teach to your team members. Most people are familiar with baseball, so I'll be using a baseball diamond to explain the Network marketing recruiting method.
First Base
This is where you will provide a small amount of facts in order to find out if you potential business colleague has any interest in your opportunity. Let them listen to a short prerecorded call or provide them with an opportunity overview brochure. The point is to give them a little facts and to find out if they have an interest in learning more.
After your prospect has viewed or listened to the preliminary information, ask them if they are interested in learning more. If they say yes, the next step (second base) is to let them view additional facts that provides more details on your business and opportunity. Second Base
Once the potential partner has expressed an interest in getting more data, I generally provide a link to a prerecorded webinar or Internet presentation. I may also provide a magazine or invite them to a private business reception which is another term for a home meeting. This allows the potential colleague to get additional facts and get their questions answered.
Third Base
After they have viewed a company demonstration, now it's time for them to speak with your upline via a three way call. Some people suggest doing a three way call right up front, but to me that's not efficient. I believe that having the potential associate see the business overview and then do a three way call is a better use of your upline's time. This way your upline is spending time with interested folks that they can help you close.
Network marketing Recruiting Advice
You should have numerous potential partners in your Network marketing recruiting pipeline at all times. Some individuals will be on first base, others on second and yet others on third base. If you have numerous potential business partners at all times, you'll never operate your business with "lack mentality." My recommendation to you is to learn this process and teach it to your team. Finally, keep the bases loaded and swing for the fences!
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