You have to decide that you no longer need to settle for any amount of mediocrity in your life! With Network Marketing You can have any amount of success you desire, if you?ll believe it to be true.
Napoleon Hill, in writing Think and Grow Rich, says that whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.?
The thing that gives that book credibility is his research. He studied a number of successful people who use Network Marketing as the one common cord running through them was that they were dreamers. They were just burning up inside with a dream they had cherished for years.
It?s impossible to do anything great without a big dream. If you don?t have a big dream, you?re dead! Not physically, of course, but your opportunity to ?be somebody? is dead.
But by the same token, anyone (even you!) can have a big dream. Anyone (even you!) who is a dreamer can still win.
Network marketing university can begin to change you in the next 30 days, beginning with the power of desire for your dream to come true.
Stop thinking about how hopeless your situation is right now! Start thinking about the power of dreaming of success and go make a wish! Get your mine on being succesful.
This may not be an overnight process for you. In fact your capacity to think big and have big dreams will grow as you grow. Zig Ziglar says it best ? ?Dream as far as you can see, and when you get there, you can see farther!?
If you want your actions to be great, you have to make your mind great first! Number one is MOTIVATION! Have you ever struggled with self-motivation? 99% of everyone in the world struggles with getting themselves truly self-motivated.
You?ve probably been to network marketing seminars, heard speeches or conference calls that have gotten you so pumped up you could hardly stand it. But after a couple days when you?re sitting at home by yourself that motivation may have worn off. It happens to all of us...
So the question is, how do I stay self-motivated?
Let me first give you my definition of motivation: Self-motivation naturally exists when there's a contrast between your current results (what?s happening in your life now) and your expected results (where you mentally picture yourself.)
Your expected result is your VISION. The problem is that most of us don't have a crystal clear vision of where we want to be in life. We've learned to "just get by".
We?re not trained to have time freedom and money freedom ? The real vision for most people in life is to work their jobs living paycheck to paycheck.
If you desire greater results, you have to CHANGE YOUR VISION! You have to raise your belief level and know in your heart and mind that you deserve the best. You also get to decide what is best for you. That could be $100,000.00 per year, or even per month!
This is not an easy task because your subconscious mind has been trained all your life to believe what you?re currently experiencing is your vision. How can you change it?network marketing is the solutions
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