Over the last few days I've received some phone calls from a couple of network marketers wanting me to take an examine their network advertising chance. the course of this contact I noticed they're creating the top ten network marketing mistakes with regard to their online marketing. So this write-up aims to show the errors they're making and why. I have NOT used real names in this write-up.
Paul,found my cell phone number on a networkers internet site and sent me a text to ask me to take an examine his company opportunity. There is certainly absolutely nothing wrong with doing this, BUT (and this can be a massive but) he Apologised for texting me!!! Please guys never apologise, this only tells your prospect that you lack confidence in either yourself or your company and does not show you to be a true leader. When I'm looking for someone to partner up with, I am looking for a leader. This has to be the greatest of the top ten network marketing mistakes there is going.
2. Stay away from REPLICATED Internet sites
Paul gave me his businesses replicated URL, Unfortunately these replicated internet sites aren't perfect for prospecting and it tells me quite little about the individual I could be working with, It's far better to avoid utilizing those replicated web sites as much as achievable instead promote your self and your leadership.
After calling me a couple of days later, to be told that I wasn't interested in his chance at this time, and why he thanked me for my time and left. Ok so what's the difficulty here? Well basically he wasted a prospect!! He may possibly not have sold to me at this time, but he knows I'm an individual who may well be interested in some thing else, If I'd been on a contact list he would have been able to maintain contact with me with other provides or opportunities he discovered in the future. Don't forget, simply because someone says no right now doesn't mean they are going to still say no at a later date, either to your primary or an additional chance. Get this one leading ten network marketing and advertising stratergy proper and you could earn more from men and women that say no then you do from those that sign up!
A couple of days later I received one more phone call from Sue, Sue I believe is Paul's upliner within the company and she was calling me because Paul had told her I was a network marketer and he felt I would be brilliant in his team! He had realised this simply because in the course of our initial contacts I had 'turned the tables' and promoted my own company and had him opt in to my mailing list!!
4. Learn THE Skills Necessary TO SUCCEED AND NOT MAKE THE Top 10 NETWORK Marketing Mistakes
In the course of our conversation I laughed and told Sue she is definitly a great sales person, she is extremely great on the phone, to which she retorted 'I'm not a salesman, I just really like the business!' I'm sorry to burst your bubble Sue but network marketing Is a sales and marketing job!!! You need to understand sales and marketing and advertising to be able to succeed in this enterprise.
Sue then proceeded to go by way of the compensation plan with me,but unfortunately she didn't take into account the type of personality I have, and so didn't tailor her 'pitch' to appeal to me. As an example: among the four personality sorts is financial orientation, so had I been 1 of these folks her 'pitch' would have been spot on. Sadly, I'm more of the results orientation personality so it would have been more advantageous if she'd talked more about the outcomes she is acquiring, how and in what kind of timeframe.
6. LEAD WITH High quality CONTENT
Throughout the course of our conversation Sue told me she was doing something 'she wouldn't usually do' and she then proceeded to give me the generic URL for yet another corporation that she said she wasn't interested in as she only wanted to one organization. Following the call I took a look and thought what a waste!! The company she had recommended to me would have been ideal for her to lead with supplying plenty of fantastic advertising training for her prospects, offering content and positioning her as an expert in her field. As soon as she has this trust she would have found it significantly easier to sign them into her primary organization. They even have an affiliate program so if she signed up to that and gave that link out she would have created a residual income from those folks, like myself, who say no.
7. KNOW YOUR Product
Neither Paul or Sue where at fault here they both know their product nicely, So just be aware that a fantastic sales individual should be their own best customer. They should love the item, and use it themselves regularly
I have already touched on this earlier within the article, so all I am going to add here is the need to generate leads for your business. An opt in page where you give away some free training or helpful information is perfect for this. Not everybody that comes to your web site will buy instantly, in fact most won't, the issue is as soon as they leave your site they forget about you and go to the competition, harsh but true I'm afraid. So guarantee you get them to opt in to a mailing list this way it is possible to keep in touch with them and they're far far more likely to buy from you when they know you wel.
9. Present Quality CONTENT
You don't necessarily have to write all the content yourself, you will find many different outsourcing possibilities available which you can utilise normally really cheaply too. But the bottom line here is present great high quality details - no sales pitch, This could possibly be by way of articles submitted to directories like ezinearticles.com, blogging, video's, or even webinars now days. All these boost you up as an professional within the eyes of other people, along with a leader they would like to function with.
10. Marketplace Research
Paul kind of had this proper when he scoured a market networking web site for leads and then went on to contact us all, but wouldn't it be simpler to have excellent targeted prospects come to you? Is that even possible? Well actually yes it truly is, and particularly if you are taking heed of rule 9 above!! Prior to you create your content, do your market study employing tools like googles keyword tool or even Market Sumerai to learn what your prospects are looking for on the web, then create your content around those key phrases optimising them to reach the front page of googles search. This may offer you with Free of charge visitors if completed properly, and provided you've an opt in mailing list will generate you leads for free too.
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