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2013年8月16日 星期五

Top 40 Start-Up Network Marketing Companies - Marketing


The current Top 50 Network Marketing Companies represents the most highly trafficked companies online, as rated each day and updated each week by Alexa. To make it onto that list, companies must be 1) highest ranked (most visitors) AND 2) five years old or more as of the day of the update.

That leaves out all the start-ups - my personal favorites. So here is the

Top 40 Start-Ups list:

Network Marketing companies with 1) the highest internet traffic as ranked by Alexa, AND 2) that are LESS than five years old as of the date of the update. That data is also obtained from Alexa for each company. We are adding more companies to this list.

Alexa, while not perfect by any means, is the most widely used tracking service for website rankings since 1996. Alexa ranks millions of websites.

Rank 1 is the highest; Rank 10 million the lowest.

Remember: The lower the Alexa number (that means it's closer to being #1), the higher the ranking.

This list will be updated each Monday. Next update: Monday, January 8, 2007.

NOTE: When you click on a company, you will usually get some live humans who are independent reps for that company. Those folks are all members of Network Marketing Central (NMC). For a company that has no NMC member yet, you will go directly to that company page.

1. Isagenix 29,6912. Scent-Sations (Mia Bella Candles)31,6193. Agel 34,4804. Photo Max 38,7345. Waiora 50,2416. Juvio 53,4217. Acai Plus 54,7468. 4-Ecorp (Ethos Fuel Reformulator) 66,6879. Xooma Worldwide 69,70310. One Group 75,21511. Mona Vie 76,31512. Xango 80,43713. MyVideo Talk 90,24214. M2C Global 91,68415. Send Out Cards 97,97416. Vitamark International 100,32217. Amigo Health 101,16118. Lifewave 111,43819. The Limu Company 155,60220. EcoEnergizer 198,15921. Fruta Vida International 225,43122. Nexagen USA 296,70523. Innerlight 340,94224. The Balance Company 372,02225. Invisus Direct 442,93626. ExcelaWash 451,24727. Candlewealth International 655,28028. Sensaria Natural Bodycare 665,15829. Goldshield Elite 697,58830. Yoffi Fine Jewelry 822,82431. Univera Life Sciences 881,73132. ViaViente 969,68133. Grace Advantage 1,216,43934. Natural Health Labs 1,505,42135. Nefful 2,213,73136. Uptown Naturals 4,772,355

Yes, I know there are only 34 now...:)

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