Part 1 of a 2 part series. Everything you want to know about twitter.
A Better Tweeter in Twitter
Tweeters from all over the world want to learn how to become a better tweeter in Twitter. How will you do this?
Firstly, you need to learn how to ?e-tweet? You can definitely improve your standing in Twitter if you re-tweet. When one of your followers posts an appealing article, you can re-tweet it. If you do this, most of your followers will also do the same. Just imagine all your followers re-tweeting. When they add your username to their updates, you will be exposed to many users. Be careful in re-tweeting because you might not be posting interesting or helpful topics. Make sure that you re-tweet only the good ones. How can you re-tweet? You need to copy the original tweet and write the prefix RT together with the name of the originator.
Many users use Twitter to post tweets that no one is interested about. Who cares about what yo u ate for dinner or what you did last night. Perhaps your closest friends will appreciate that but what about the rest of the social community? It would be better if you send out informative tweets, no nonsense. By doing so, people will think of you differently. They will know and feel that you care one way or another. If you?e addressing your tweets to one person, try to indicate it so that others will know who you are referring to.
Send replies often. Talking all day long is possible through Twitter. If you want to talk, you? better sign up to this social site. Followers like a person who knows how to listen. You will probably find yourself laughing at dumb tweets but you must restrain yourself. Twitter is an application that allows people to communicate; so matter how funny some tweets sound, try to appreciate them and reply courteously. Most of Twitter users want to be heard on the web and if they find individuals who know how to listen, they are more interes ted in making friends.
In order to tweet better, you must be proactive. Find some neat articles and helpful info online; when you find one, post it. Some might re-tweet it or you can find other users that are interested in meeting you.
You don? need to say something all the time. Try to be careful in using your automatic messages and updates because you might be pestering others with uninteresting info. You can also try using hashtags. The keywords are preceded by # and in the past months, hashtags are really hot.
Use the tool Twitpic to upload pictures to your profile page. Try to upload as many pictures as you can but choose your pics well. Your pictures can tell a lot about you and other users will appreciate. Through the pics, your followers can get to know you better. According to expert tweeters, pictures can tell a lot about you as compared to the posts to send.
Follow these tips and be a better tweeter. Why not? You hav e nothing to lose. If you?e in new in Twitter, these tips can be very helpful. Don? waste time anymore. Share neat stuff to your followers and your friends. Find interesting information or perhaps post promotional materials.
It? up to you to use Twitter to the fullest. The site offers endless possibilities. Take advantage of them and have a great Twitter experience.
Business Cards and Twitter
Online communications has changed ever since the social network websites emerged on the net. Perhaps you?e already familiar with MySpace and Facebook. These are examples of social networking websites and next to them is Twitter. Twitter is not just about social networking; it is also about blogging.
Users of Twitter tend to think of the site as a big cocktail party that is open to public for 24 hours. You can talk about many things like your business, personal life, or even find potential employers and customers. Twitter is also about micro networking 24/7.
Even if you meet a lot of people through Twitter, they will remain strangers except when you exchange tweets often. It is not possible to exchange business details or cards online. If you want to get more information on someone, you need to be friends and he/she should respond to the tweets you?e sending. Tweets are short messages you can send via Twitter which are only 140 characters. On your profile page, you can put information about yourself but it is limited and you can also put some links. It will depend on the people that visit your profile page whether they will be interested or not.
Visit the site so you can create your own virtual card and exchange them on Twitter. The business cards are dynamic. The site will allow you to do a lot of things like leave the virtual card to an email together with a short message or leave the card on a chosen website. You don? need to talk to people on Twitter anymore; just leav e your card and they will know who you are and what you do. If they are interested, they can easily contact you.
The tweets can contain messages, greetings, or networking information. Virtual business cards are a way to go especially if you?e into some kind of business. You can put your business details on the card and your contact info. Before you start to leave off your virtual card to Twitter subscribers, make sure that you identify your target market first. That way, you will not be wasting your time with people who will not appreciate your business. Determine the target market first and study their needs. If you think your business can meet up with their expectations and needs, then promote your business and leave your card.
As mentioned earlier, you can also put links on your profile page. The links should lead to helpful resources or to your business site. That way, you can also generate traffic to your site. By providing helpful links, you?e s howing others that you care about their needs. By doing so, you can also develop good relationships. A relationship based on trust and confidence lasts; if you can win your prospects, your business will succeed through Twitter.
Visit the website and create your own business cards. Virtual cards can help you stay connected at all times. It will take only a few minutes to create the virtual card. You can do this by filling out the resume or upload a document that will come together with your business card. You will receive a tangible card and a virtual card.
By driving contacts to SpartX, you can easily send your card to their email. If you want to be identified by yoru prospects, send business cards now.
Capitalizing on Twitter? Popularity
Many business owners are now capitalizing on Twitter? popularity to market their business. Twittering is very addictive and it? no wonder why millions of people send out tweets all day long . The tweets are merely 140 characters and it is also called micro-blogging. With only a few characters, you will need to answer the Twitter question just like other users of the social site. Just keep in mind that if you set your perspectives straight and use the site properly, you can financially and personally gain something from these fanatics.
To implement Twitter as a marketing tool, here are ways to accomplish them:
Twitter Search is a very effective tool that allows you to check on your business. You will be surprised to find out how much chattering takes place in Twitter. Find out what others are saying about your business and learn from them. If you find out any criticisms, think about them carefully. You can also make some adjustments to your business if there is a need to so that you ensure profitability.
Keep your followers informed. Once you sign up for your Twitter account, you should be active in sending out tweets to all you r followers. Choose the people you follow on Twitter. If this is your first time to use Twitter as a marketing tool, you should follow the right people. Choose the ones who are also utilizing Twitter for online marketing because you can learn a lot from them.
You should also check if the people you?e following are also following back. Once you have many followers, you can now send marketing messages but try to do this minimally; instead, send out more helpful community and social messages. Remember, Twitter is a social network and not a promotional machine.
You can also let your followers know about your promotions through the tweets. Again, don? overdo it. There is always a proper way to do things. Now that you have lots of followers, you should not alienate them. With just one bad tweet, you can lose many of your followers.
Gathering as many followers as you can is vital to ensure your success in online marketing; have you heard of the Tw itter slap? Check your numbers regularly. When you?e followed 2,000 people and you have less than 1,800 followers, you can no longer follow more people. By checking your numbers, you can avoid technical problems like this one.
When someone follows you, take care of that person by sending him/her personal tweets. By befriending your followers, you can build stronger relationships. A relationship built on trust is very important for your marketing campaigns. Keep in mind that you can? market your products or services to people you don? know on Twitter.
For instance, you post a tweet saying ?ey guys, check out my business ? If you post impersonal tweets, you can? gain loyal followers. Try to build good relationships first before you send out promotional tweets.
Capitalizing on Twitter? popularity can be rewarding but only if you know what you?e doing. Learn everything you can about the social network. Follow gurus and learn from their experienc e. If you keep yourself well-informed, you can succeed in online marketing through Twitter.
Many businesspersons are now utilizing social networks because they think that it is an effective platform for promotions. If you plan to use Twitter, you need to have the right knowledge.
Common Mistakes on Twitter
Twitter is an exciting, cool, and extremely profitable social network site. Millions of people are now using the site to talk about various subjects. Indeed, it is a micro-blogging site for those who can? stop talking. There are also common mistakes that most new users commit on Twitter. Before you start sending tweets, you must be aware of these common mistakes.
Mistake number 1 ?the picture on your avatar is not yours. Most new users don? post their real picture. They often use cartoon pictures, company logos, or their pet? pictures. Although the pictures are quite cute, most Twitter users will appreciate a real picture of you. When you post your true picture on Avatar, others will think that you?e real and that you?e confident enough to let others see you. If you?e going to upload a photo, choose the ones where you give a beautiful smile. A smile can easily brighten the day of others.
Sending direct messages automatically through the AutoDM; direct messages are often impersonal and pushy. If you send this type of messages, you can lose your followers. TweetLater is another tool that sends automatic messages. When you use these tools, messages are automatically sent to those who follow you. A message saying ?hanks for following me?is fine but sending automated messages promoting your business or product is not a good idea and most people will just frown at them.
Do you have any followers? If you want to have followers, you need to follow people or you can at least create an interesting profile page. You can get followers by regularly posting updates. If you keep on f ollowing people and yet you don? make updates on your page, you can? get enough followers.
The 140-character tweets should be used to answer the Twitter question. Answering that question once a day may be enough to let others know that you?e interested in the community. You can post what you?e doing for the day or where you plan to go for the night. Tweets are great for starting conversations. You can also re-tweet other users or send them comments.
Check your numbers regularly. It? not good to follow many people when you have very few individuals following you. Try to achieve balance. Make sure that the one you follow will also follow you back and you should also appreciate the ones who follow you. This is the easiest way to make friends on Twitter.
Use tools like Tweetdeck so that you don? need to stay online all the time. Through this application, you can divide your followers into groups. Now, you can easily track them especially when t hey send direct messages and replies.
If you keep on promoting your business all the time, everyone will ?nfollow?you. No one likes a person who talks about his business or product most of the time. You must learn to respect others. As you may have forgotten, Twitter is a social network.
You must learn how to communicate and build good relationships before you start bombarding them with promotions. Even if you already have a god list of leads, it is still not a good idea to barrage them with promotions. Promotional tweets should be sent in limited numbers only.
These are the common mistakes committed by new and old tweeters. Take note of them and don? commit the same mistakes.
Designing a Twitter Background
Different kinds of people are now on Twitter. Even technical writers are now using the social network to promote their documentation services. If you have your own Twitter account, you should design an appropriate background.
When you create your profile page on Twitter, a default background is often given to you. If you want to create substantial impact, you should use custom-designed backgrounds. It is an effective way of generate more traffic.
How can you design your Twitter background?
What kind of information do you want to convey to Twitter users? You need to choose the right information, palette, and color for the sidebar. You can see the background next to the message column. The image does not contain image maps and so you can? insert HTML links. Once you switch the image, the default background is changed.
For a more professional and cleaner look (for those who want to use Twitter as a marketing tool), don? include any tile on the image.
There are image editing programs that you can use like Photoshop that allows you to save in GIF or JPG format. You need to create a large image that can occupy the computer screen but without tiling. A rectangle of 780 pixels x 1200 pixels is just right. If this size is not enough to cover the whole screen, you can increase the size by making it longer or wider.
For your information bar, you can line up your images or photos, business info, and website; this bar can be found on the upper left of the background image. It can also include your name, job title, blog URL, specialty, social network URL, and other important information.
Try to save everything as image. You can also create much smaller files by saving it ?or web?(if you?e using Photoshop). After that, click on the settings and then ?esign? Click on the link ?hange background image? By clicking on ?rowse? you can now find the image that you?e previously created. Leave the tile check-box unchecked. Finally, click on ?ave changes? After several seconds, you will have a custom Twitter background image.
Your background on Twitter tells a lot about your personality. If you plan to use Twitter for online marketing, make the background more professional. However, if you?e planning to use Twitter exclusively for making friends and staying connected, make your background more friendly and inviting. Make sure that it suits your image and personality. Cool backgrounds are great for youngsters. There are many editing programs that you can use aside from Photoshop?it? up to you to choose the best one that can provide the best background ever.
For technical writers and other serious professions, stick to simple and basic background designs. Having a formal look can also attract formal followers who are serious in their business. Hurry and change your background now. If you have a hard time in following the instructions mentioned earlier, ask someone who has been using Twitter for some time; perhaps some of your friends or relatives know how to edit the background.
Twitter backgrounds can be custom made. If you don? want to use the default background, change the image now. Find an editing program and start making the changes. Choose the information well especially those contained on the information bar.
Be creative and simple to develop a sensible background.
Gathering Clients through Twitter
Twitter was launched in the market last 2006 and in the past few years, it showed extreme growth. In fact, last February 2009, the site ranked third next to MySpace and Facebook. Many business owners are now utilizing the site to promote their business. However, a lot of them don? know how to maximize the site to their advantage.
For the new users of Twitter who owns any kind of business, here are great tips for you:
You can use the site for your market research. Every business has its target market. Through Twitter, you can easily access your target market and get useful feedbacks from them. Many of today? business owners fail because they don? know the true needs of their market. With the help of the social network site, you can easily listen to the needs of your prospects, the issues they are currently facing and the kind of help they want.
These pieces of information are vital to your business. You can create blog posts or write articles about the needs of the market. You can also create a new service to meet such needs or perhaps you can conduct a tele-seminar on a topic that might interest the target market.
Build a list. Once you have your list, you can share your information like newsletter and free gifts. You don? need to promote your business every time you communicate with your target market but you can also menti on it every now and then.
Whenever you meet someone on the site, try to establish a good relationship. You are a customer too. You buy from people who you trust and like. Your target market also behaves the same way. You must get to know your clients better and win their trust and confidence. Ninety percent of your updates or tweets should contain helpful contents and try to limit your promotion. By doing so, you can attract more prospects and later on, subscribers.
Learn how to create blogs. In order to show your expertise in the business, you need to post good blogs. Twitter provides tools that can automatically check the blogs you?e posted and share them to your target market.
Offer tele-seminars and events. In order to increase the number of prospects on your list, you should send out invitations for tele-seminars and events. The more people you invite, the more you can promote your business.
You must create your own twitter account first before you can use the site for business purposes. Creating a profile page for your business is the first task that you should accomplish. Once you have your own account, you can let other users of Twitter know about your business. The twitter question that you need to answer is ?what are you doing? You must answer this question so that you can let the world know about your business. After that, you can now follow the helpful tips mentioned earlier.
Studying the target market is very important for your business success. Identify their needs and wants so that you can give the right answer. Remember, you must try to build trust and confidence. Twitter has millions of users from all over the world. Just imagine how many of them you can get to patronize your business. Gathering clients through Twitter is not as difficult as you think.
Handling Twitter Slap
Many individuals are easily convinced to sign up with Twitter because it is a great place to meet different kinds of people. You can also interact with them twenty fours hours everyday. Twitter is similar to Facebook and MySpace; it already has millions of users worldwide.
When someone follows you in Twitter, you?e also expected to follow them back; but that remains a personal choice. If you know proper etiquette, you will learn to appreciate them as you use Twitter day by day. The site also provides a tool which allows you to thank all those who followed you so that you will not do it one by one. It is your choice to follow people that catch your interest but you don? need to expect something in return. Others will simply ignore you because they are not obliged to follow you and you can also do the same.
If you?e an avid Twitter user, you will know what the numbers on the right corner stands for. The three number sets represent the number of followers, the number of following, and the updates. You can post as many time s as you like everyday and can follow as many people as you want. However, there is an exception.
As a Twitter user, you should pay close attention to the numbers on the right corner. For instance, when you?e following 2,000 people, a certain number of people should follow you back. Otherwise, you can? follow more Twitter users.
When you?e followed 2,000 people, you can no longer follow more unless you?e met the appropriate number of followers. Even if you try over and over again, your request will not be activated. This is the so called Twitter Slap. It? similar to the Google Slap (if you don? adhere to the rules of Google, you will be punished with a slap) but this is not a serious problem.
One way to resolve this problem is to find out why some individuals don? follow you back. You can use tools like and; the former can provide you with a complete list of those who did not follow you back and the latter w ill provide you with a list of those you followed but did not post for some time.
Try the sites mentioned so you can easily decide who to ?n-follow? If you?e using Twitter now, take note of the three number sets on your profile page. The numbers are important. If you?e followed many people already, perhaps it? time to use the tools mentioned so that you won? encounter the same problem. There may still be other Twitter slaps but this is the most common.
When you send a request to follow someone and it is not activated, it only means one thing ?you?e Twitter slapped. Don? worry because you can easily address this problem. When you know the options available to you, you will not encounter any difficulty.
It? really a good feeling to follow many people on Twitter but it feels better when they follow you back. Making more friends and staying connected 24 hours each day is possible through Twitter. Sign up now because it? free and enjoy the Twit ter experience.
If you want to promote your business, you can also use the site. Avoid Twitter slaps by following simple rules.
Having Twitter Trouble?
If you?e looking for a hot social network, why don? you start using Twitter? It? very easy to sign up and most of all, it? free. According to some experts, the success that Twitter is experiencing right now is short lived. If you?e one of the million users of the site, perhaps you?e already experienced receiving lots of tweets everyday. There are those who receive hundreds of tweets and so who wouldn? get tired of receiving and answering them? But you see, Twitter was designed to keep you connected at all times so that your friends will know what you?e doing.
So far, the tweets are sent faster than email messages. The user can choose to receive the tweets on a mobile device and they can also reply using such device without logging to the Twitter site.
Many busine sspersons today are using Twitter to access a specific target market. Through the social site, one can follow people and get as many followers online. It seems to be the fad right now and many businesspersons immediately sign up even though they hardly know anything about the site.
Before you use Twitter, you must ensure that your business is built to withstand extreme market competition. More and more entrepreneurs are investing in various kinds of businesses today and so you should expect more competition. Even if you use Twitter to access the global market, it is not enough assurance that your business will prosper. Does your product or service meet certain needs of consumers? If you have a competitive and good business, perhaps Twitter can help you in gaining more customers. Still, you should know how to use the site properly and to your advantage.
When introducing your business online, you must have your own business website. Gathering traffic to the site is the primary objective so that it can be turned into sales. With more people visiting your business site, you will be more exposed. Exposure online is vital to your success. By creating your business profile on Twitter, you can generate more traffic by using the right strategies. Communication is one of the most important factors to business success.
The best tool to use to communicate with your prospects is through the tweets you send on Twitter. Choose the people you follow on Twitter and make sure that they follow you back. Try to communicate with them often. A good conversation can lead to many things. You can establish trust through constant communication even if you don? see your prospects personally. After you?e gathered many followers who know and trust you, you can now introduce your business.
You should already expect more tweets by this time. Many Twitter users will now ask about your business. No matter how many tweets you recei ve everyday you must spend enough time in answering them one by one; if you don? answer all of them, you will start having Twitter trouble.
If you decide to use Twitter to market your business, you should never grow tired of answering the tweets you receive. It? a good sign to receive lots of tweets because that means that your presence is felt on Twitter. Many people want to know you better as well as your business. Just try to ensure that you?e using the site appropriately to avoid troubles.
Is Twitter Dying?
Twitter is everywhere. You can hear about it on NPR and CNN. Comedy sitcoms are also talking about it. So what? great about Twitter and why do so many people talk about it? Who says that it? dying?
Twitter is definitely on the peak of its popularity. For almost three years now, this site has accumulated millions of users worldwide. However, according to some individuals, the growth of Twitter users is not sustainable espec ially as a revenue model. Perhaps you?e heard a lot of people talking about how they used Twitter to generate income. Well, some individuals were quite successful but not everyone. Besides, following endless links all the time can be very boring.
There are already claims about the death of this social network website. Some say that death is already looming. Twitter users can only wait for that day. You can never really tell. The developers of this site are still looking forward for more years of excellent service. By keeping things simple, more and more people are interested in Twitter. Users of this site vary. Some people simply want to share pictures of their favorite pets; there are those who want to promote their business online while others just want to share their ideas or interests through microblogging.
You?e also free to choose the people that you want to interact with and you?e not obliged to respond to the tweets. The 140-character tweet is very communicative and easy to construct. If you want, you can post what you?e doing right now like you?e out shopping or you?e watching a movie. Whenever you make new tweets, your friends will receive the updates. They can respond if they want to or they can ignore it.
For almost three years now, Twitter has proven that it is stable enough to meet the demands of its users worldwide. The site has been encountering constant problems and their team of experts is trying to identify what should be done in order to ensure survival. Perfection may be the goal of most organizations and humans but failure is inevitable. Still many people patronize Twitter. If you spend a few minutes online, using Twitter, you will notice that many others want to interact and develop new relationships.
Twitter is being used by companies, businesses, and individuals. They all have various needs. As long as these needs are addressed properly, Twitter can survive the coming year s. Competition is natural especially in the online environment but the site has an edge over other social network websites. If more and more people will use the site, then death is still far from sight. Besides, those who are addicted to Twitter will not allow such a scenario to happen.
There? also the issue of Twitter going down and when it finally got back, some follower and following connections were lost. The site has back ups and once the problem is fixed, everything will be back to normal. No wonder many users are freaking out ?because they lost some connections. This can be a nightmare if the error can? be fixed in time but the experts have already assured its users that the lost data will be fixed in time. For those who are using Twitter for business purposes, don? rely entirely on the site; try to have your own back up files.
Errors and problems are natural but Twitter will see to it that everything is fixed.
Losing Twitter F ollowers
Perhaps you've spent a considerable amount of time in following many people on Twitter and also for getting more followers. But did you know that it's also possible to lose followers on this social network? If you?e using the ?uto direct message? you need to have second thoughts now.
The AutoDM is one of the most popular tools used by internet marketers on Twitter. If you?e using it properly, then you won? have any problems. Abusing the tool can have serious consequences.
Twitter allows individuals to send personal messages to their friends so that they are always connected. But some people think that social networks like Twitter are too impersonal. You must be aware of what Twitter is all about. Twitter is for socializing with other people not an advertising billboard. If you always advertise your business, many of your followers will ?nfollow?you.
Phrasing your tweets properly can ensure success in internet marketing. By posting appropriately phrased tweets, you can generate good communication. The links that you provide might have an increase in the click rates. With increased conversation, you can develop better relationships with your followers.
How can you lose followers in Twitter? Here are samples of AutoDM?:
?Hey, checkout my blogs
?Why don? you buy my product? Here? my link
?Get this product now
If you send these tweets to followers who hardly know you, they will immediately unfollow you. Sending capitalized tweets is also not a good idea. It would be much better to send more personal messages. Your followers will appreciate if you give them more attention and compliments.
Just try to put yourself in the shoes of your followers. How will you feel if someone sends you a tweet telling you to do something like for instance ??heck out my products? If you hardly know someone, you can? give your trust easily and so you will not ch eck out the products. Check the settings of your AutoDM so that you won? be able to send impersonal messages to your followers.
If you?e running an online business, it? not good to lose followers. It can have a terrible effect on your business and of course, your sales. Start changing your impersonal messages and create more personal messages. After you?e made the changes, you can now use AutoDM. This tool is very helpful but only if you know how to use it properly. Too much of anything is not good and that also applies to the AutoDM.
Twitter is for socialization. You need to learn how to communicate with others effectively. You should try to make friends and develop trust.
If you want your followers to treat you well, you should also treat them accordingly. Being personal in all your dealings in Twitter can ensure success ?whether you?e into internet marketing or not. Even if your primary aim is to make friends, you should send personal m essages and not impersonal ones.
Losing Twitter followers is really easy but maintaining a huge list of followers is not an easy task. You must invest time and effort to gain more friends and prospects. Check out your AutoDM now and see what kind of messages you?e sending out.
If you need to make changes, do it now before it? too late. Good luck in using Twitter for making friends and for promoting your business.
Maximizing Twitter Traffic
Internet marketers these days want to dominate social networks. Well, as an internet marketer, it will be easier to access the global market through Twitter and other social sites. By simply making friends online, you can already build a list of valuable leads. If you want to maximize your Twitter traffic, you?e on the right track. Keep on reading.
For about three years, Twitter has gained extreme popularity worldwide. People talk about various subjects. Some talk about their personal interests and there are also those who market their business online. Ordinary individuals use Twitter to send tweets to one another. Many of today? online marketers are serious in using Twitter to drive traffic to their business sites. The social network is considered as one of the most effective and impressive ways to increase traffic.
With increased traffic to your business site, you can ensure more sales. How can you maximize your Twitter traffic? Here are several ways to do it.
Firstly, you need to spread the news that you?e on Twitter. If you?e into online marketing, you probably send lots of email messages or post blogs. Try to include your Twitter account on all your messages, blog posts, and even on your business site. That way, everyone will know that you?e using Twitter. You should also be active in using Twitter and in sending tweets regularly. When your followers see that you?e active, they will visit your website.
Regu larly updating your tweets can also drive more traffic to your site, like people on Twitter who post tweets regularly. You can gain active followers through your tweets. However, you must ensure that you post more personal tweets; sending out bad ones can cause you to lose your followers. There are tools that you can use to help you in posting your tweets automatically but you need to be extra careful in using such tools.
By building good relationships with your followers, you will not have a hard time in selling your products or business. Don? barrage your followers with sales promotions or else you can lose them. Instead, try to post helpful information every now and then because the social community will appreciate it more. Establishing a good relationship with your followers is vital. By investing a little of your time and effort in posting informative tweets and in replying to the ones addressed to you, you can ensure the profitability of your business in th e near future.
Maximizing traffic in Twitter is very important. To sum it all up, make your presence known. Let everyone know that you?e on Twitter. Send tweets regularly and give more attention to the kind of tweets you?e sending. Make the tweets personal and most of all, build good relationships. So now, do you know how to increase traffic to your business site? Try these helpful steps and you can go a long way.
Using Twitter is fun and easy. Many online marketers are now using Twitter to boost site traffic, so why don? you try it? It seems to be the fad these days. But to tell you frankly, not everyone who use Twitter as a marketing tool is able to succeed. You see, it takes time, effort, and patience to see effective results.
Maximizing Twitter traffic for your business can be effectively done if you know how to tweet properly.
Network Marketing and Twitter
Did you know that you can engage in simultaneous con version through Twitter? This social network website has definitely hit the online community hard and fast ever since it was launched in 2006. It has millions of subscribers worldwide and if you can penetrate this community, you can use Twitter for network marketing.
However, you must use the site properly to ensure success. You can place your links in your very own profile page on Twitter. The links can lead to general topics and breaking stories. It would be best to have a separate site for the products or services you?e offering. With your account in Twitter, you will be able to increase the traffic on your business site and make more sales.
Twitter offers special opportunities to its users especially those who want to expand and enhance their social media and marketing campaigns. How will you be able to do this? Here are ways to achieve your goals:
1. Building good relationships with business prospects
2. Provide commentary and ins ights on certain events
3. Promote events
4. Generate site traffic
5. Press release
If you still haven? noticed, big companies are now using Twitter for network marketing. Why don? you do the same? A good thing about the site is that it? free. You will not spend anything when you sign up and it? one of the best ways to access your target market globally.
Some business owners don? have enough money to conduct internet marketing. If you?e one of them, you can use Twitter for free advertising.
You must be aware that there are already lots of business owners promoting their products and services online. You may even encounter lots of them once you sign up. For first timers, it can be difficult to track your target market.
Some customers don? like network marketing. Perhaps you?e already heard about pyramiding scams. Well, there are illegal companies out there and if you decide to be part of network marketing, you shoul d choose a legal and reputable company. USANA, PrePaid Legal, Meleleuca, Excel, and Amway are reputable companies that offer network marketing opportunities. There are still other companies out there. When choosing a company, make sure that you?e interested in the product or service they are offering; that way, you easily sell to customers because you enjoy what you?e doing.
If others can succeed in network marketing through Twitter, then so can you; if you?e a new user, you need to know the various tools offered by the site. Maximize the tools and opportunities to your advantage. Since the tweets are only 140 characters, you should make it catchy and interesting. You should make updates every now and then since the updates are sent to all your friends on Twitter.
That way, they will know what you?e doing. Don? go down to business immediately. Study the online community and identify your prospects. Make friends and gain their trust. Once you develop tr ust and confidence, you can now proceed with network marketing. You can even put links on the tweets that lead to your business site.
You will need to update your business site and your Twitter account regularly. Check if the links are working properly. The links should be interesting as well so that other users can notice it. Network marketing success can be achieved through Twitter; so sign up now.